The son of a Birmingham Police detective is thanking God after receiving a life-saving kidney transplant.

Jayden Green’s father appealed to the masses after learning his 20-year-old son would need a kidney. He had been undergoing daily dialysis in his fight with chronic kidney disease IgA nephropathy.

His father, Mark Green, has worked for years as a homicide detective, trying to help others, but he couldn’t help his son. He desperately called out to the public for a living donor to save his son’s life.

Jayden fought his condition for five years and was on the transplant list for two months when a kidney finally became available. A month after surgery, Jayden Green said although there have been challenges, he feels good and is thankful to God and his donor.

“I never thought I was gonna go through something like that in life but all I can say is god has truly blessed me,” Jayden posted on Facebook. “I was on the transplant list for only two months and then I get told to head to the hospital that they have a [perfect] match. I wish I could thank the guy who has helped me in the most perfect way but sadly he wasn’t a living donor but if he was alive I would be thanking him everyday.”

Surprisingly, Jayden did so well that his doctor gave him the green light to go on a beach vacation. Although he cannot get in the water, he said being on the beach is better than being in a hospital room or stuck in his room all day.

He thanked all his supporters and those who offered prayers for his healing.

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