No matter which way you turn today, the progressive, “tolerant" left is shoving impropriety and sexual deviancy down our throats. This push has been fairly easy to ignore for years, but now is seeping into practically every area of life.  

Consider the debauchery that was the Olympics Opening Ceremony. Provocative dress, drunken orgies and tableaus of reveling ruled the day. Social media was flooded with pictures of what appeared to be an LGBTQ bacchanal mocking The Last Supper. Within 24 hours, the woke apologists claimed it was picturing a feast of Dionysus, not mocking Christianity. Apparently, the term ‘drag queen’ dulls us to the reality that these are perverted men dressing up as provocative women for the entertainment of children. 

Either way, as a conservative Christian, I was horrified at the debauchery on display, which included a child at the table with a naked blue man draped in flowers on a platter. Nothing about this event – traditionally viewed as acceptable TV viewing for all ages – was wholesome, a disappointment for me as a mom of two toddlers. 

In a world of immediate and extreme reactions, how should we respond as conservatives, as Christians, as parents? 

The Olympics are something most people anticipate and spend weeks watching. I witnessed even conservatives trying to latch onto the Dionysus explanation to justify clinging to our traditions. Why are we so loath to walk away from things that lean into leftist and liberal agendas? At what point do we draw a line? 

I was wrestling with these issues the other day, sitting in my porch swing with my baby as I watched my oldest run from sprinkler to sprinkler, shrieking with joy. It seemed so totally at odds with what is happening in the world. It seemed to be the most counter-cultural thing I could do at that moment. 

I’m tangentially involved in politics, having married a wonderful man who wades into the difficult issues with grace, intelligence and strength. I’m more than happy to let him fight while I serve as support and encouragement. But the Olympics Opening Ceremony served as a catalyst to speak out on the fact that conservatives are missing the most important battleground of all: our homes. 

The progressive movement began with an effort to deconstruct the nuclear family. Redefining womanhood and manhood, what family can and should be, and letting children “pick their gender” has only served to break down the home. God instituted the family, so I am more determined than ever to protect mine by turning off the TV and making our home a haven of good.  

Be brave enough to disengage from the culture for your children’s souls. The temptation can be to follow these things closely to stay informed, but the constant influx of dark and obscene worldliness can erode their morals. Your children need to be protected from such things, and so do you.  

The word ‘boycott’ gets thrown out very quickly in hopes of rallying people to force a response from the powers-that-be. In the case of Bud Light, such boycotts were successful. But that’s not the only reason to boycott. 

While I hope many will speak out and affect change, sometimes boycotting is for your own sake. I’m going to boycott the Olympics not for some greater movement, but for the sake of my own family.  

This trend has been coming for a very long time, and it is easy to grow callous or excuse sinful displays as “not that bad.” But my children need to see me standing up for what’s right, not just in public, but in private. 

Do not give into despair. Being counter-cultural these days is simple: Get married, have babies, commit your family to the Lord. Walk outside and talk to your neighbors. Get out in your community and find ways to serve. Join a church and be there consistently. There are many voices clamoring for your attention and time. Our families are worth the risk of speaking out, but don’t let the anger pull you down. The best way to baffle the liberal is to go about your life joyfully while firmly rejecting sin.  

Stop worrying about depriving your children of the Olympics and protect them by turning off pagan celebrations and sacrilegious ceremonies. Instead fill your hearts, minds and homes with that which is true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report (Phil. 4:8). Watch your toddler play in the sprinklers, get off social media, and find the good and praiseworthy in the abundance of resources we have today. 

Hannah Sorrell is a wife, a mom of two daughters and a realtor. She is a former special needs teacher and has a Master's degree in Communication. She is married to State Auditor Andrew Sorrell.

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