Young people are floundering. Anxiety is skyrocketing, birth rates are declining, and the general consensus is one of fear. 

So when “Momala” and “America’s Dad” Tim Walz started leaning into the narrative of empathy, compassion and joy, I could see the reasoning behind this tactic. The younger generations are looking for purpose, and the left promises answers. 

For those of us on the right, it’s easy to be distracted by vitriol and lies propagated by the other side, but the question that deserves reflection is this: Why do Harris and Walz want to be our parents? 

Nuclear families are the building blocks of countries, not governments. Governments exist to protect our rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Notice if you will, this specifies the pursuit of happiness. Our Constitution empowers individuals to seek happiness, rather than guaranteeing happiness for every citizen. This pursuit requires effort, time and perhaps even suffering. For millennia it was well understood that suffering breeds strength, and that working hard for something was a good and important process for humanity. We respected those who overcame much to find success. 

But this idea was eroded quietly for decades by increasing government subsidies, along with cultural change. Now almost anyone, barring straight white men, can reasonably position themselves as a victim. 

A generation that grew up turning to the internet for answers is increasingly met with negativity surrounding parenthood. Do a quick search, and most of the popular articles are horror stories, comedic takes, financial woes, or how to “find yourself” after you lose yourself in parenthood. It’s an insidious influence that is working itself out in declining birth rates. 

In a more panoramic view, is the purpose of government to remove every stressor from our lives? Even if the government never made mistakes, taking care of us completely, would that lead to happy, healthy living? 

As much as we like to think we’d be happiest without any sort of resistance in our way, the research just does not bear up. Hard things make for strong people. 

While all of this is a cultural and moral failure, there is a more specific danger on the ballot in November. While Harris/Walz spin their campaign as “joy,” wanting to be “Momala” and “Dad Walz,” it would be a grave mistake to lean on the government in this way. Will Kamala or her minions come clean up your carpet after a stomach bug got the best of you? Will Tim Walz drop off a hotdish after your surgery or childbirth? 

You can argue that this presidential ticket is genuinely empathetic, but this empathy is not feasible or demonstrable. The government is not equipped to be your be-all and end-all. No person on earth can care for all humanity, but most individuals would drop everything to support our children, our church family, and our communities. Government steps in to devalue these connections, offering cotton candy promises of support. Make no mistake, this confection will dissolve at the first hint of rain. 

In fact, Walz’s policies enable Minnesota to take your children away if you are not immediately allowing top surgery, cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers for your confused child. The law allows the court to seize control of out-of-state children who travel to the state for such surgeries. However you feel about gender transition, surely most sane people can see the folly of this pipeline. 

Medical experts around the world decry gender transition for minors as child abuse. When the government “knows better,” it means mass decisions for thousands of kids, coming from bureaucrats tempted by a dollar. Heaven forbid we have individuals who love and know each specific child guiding them into adulthood. 

On your deathbed, make no mistake about who will be around. Your celebrity crushes, your politicians, and your government will not be holding your hand as you slip into eternity. True empathy and compassion are not legislated from the top down, but built from the average up. 

Don’t fall for hugs and false joy. Those on the left want to break down the nuclear family, along with any moral framework that prioritizes family. And they have succeeded. Now they present Momala and Dad Walz, along with empty promises to replace the families they have hollowed. 

Do not be fooled, Harris and Walz only have empathy so long as you fall directly into line. You must bow to the woke idols and accept them as your family. And to borrow their phrase, I find that … weird.