A line of storms tore through central Alabama Thursday, leaving behind significant damage in Randolph County and destroying at least one home in the Swagg community.

The National Weather Service (NWS) had issued a tornado watch and said damaging winds and a couple of tornadoes were possible.

The roof on the home of Joyce and Willard Pierson was ripped off and pieces of wall and glass were scattered throughout the yard.

House 2 Alabama News
Photo: Loretta Wright.

The Piersons were not home when the storm hit. Willard, a Vietnam Army veteran, had left with his wife to get her medicine from the local pharmacy.

Their daughter, Loretta Wright, told 1819 News she was thankful the Lord protected her family because her mom usually wouldn’t go anywhere, even if it were raining.

“When I tell you I have a praying mother that is connected to God,” Wright said. “My mom does not ever go out when bad weather is approaching, but her and my dad were not at home today.”

House 3 Alabama News
Photo: Loretta Wright.

Wight said her sister, who lives with her parents, was at work, and her nephew was at school.

“All I can say is thank you, Jesus,” Wright continued. “I’m thankful.”

The family has insurance and got a cabin to stay the night. However, Wright said all of the items inside the home, including clothing, were ruined.

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email erica.thomas@1819news.com.

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