Hoover High School football head coach Drew Gilmer and defensive coordinator Adam Helms offered their resignations on Thursday, effective immediately.

The Hoover City Schools board accepted the resignations during a Thursday afternoon special called meeting. 

Gilmer and Helms were placed on administrative leave and being investigated for mistreating players. Leaked videos from practice went viral showing the coaches exhibiting questionable behavior with their players on two separate occasions.

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“The safety and well-being of our students and staff continue to be our top priorities,” Hoover City Schools superintendent Kevin Maddox said in a statement after the meeting. “We maintain high expectations for our employees and students. At this time, our focus is dedicated to supporting our football players and coaching staff.”

Gilmer was named Hoover's football coach in January after a seven-year stint at Clay-Chalkville High School, where he won two state titles. Helms followed Gilmer from Clay-Chalkville.

Chip English, the offensive coordinator, will serve as the Buccaneers' interim head coach this season.

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email trent.baker@1819news.com.

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