Hoover teen Lucy Helland was crowned Miss Ultimate USA Junior Teen at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

The 14-year-old A-honor roll rising eighth grader at Bumpus Middle School also won the Junior Teen Fitness award, she was the Overall Senior Division Fitness winner, the Community Service Award, and she won the Dressing Dream Girl Model and Supermodels Unlimited award.

Helland, who entered the competition under the title of Miss Heart of the South, has been working for over a year for the achievement. To vie for the title, contestants had to take part in a six-minute interview, a runway competition and an evening gown competition. The top three had to answer an on-stage question.

During the pageant, Helland also competed in talent, casual wear, fitness, and the House of Barretti Model casting call.

“The whole year of the most work I’ve ever done has paid off,” said Lucy Helland. “I realized that nothing that is meant for you will ever pass you by.”

While her grades and title are a huge accomplishment, Helland is also celebrated for her commitment to serving others. The teen has over 100 hours of community service, including Project 21:20, where she focuses on helping Alabama’s foster children. That’s where she will focus her rein as Miss Ultimate USA Junior Teen.

“Her goal this year is to go to all the state pageants for Ultimate USA and host pillow drives to be given to foster children at Christmas,” said her mother, Stacy Helland.

Lucy Helland has also served as a Peer Helper at her school and helps with Bumpus Bears. In the 2023-24 school year, she was the winner of the Youth in Service Award and the Finley Award at Bumpus.

To connect with the author of this story or to comment email erica.thomas@1819news.com.

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