Governor Kay Ivey's office recently said that she is considering both long and short-term solutions to address the recent crime wave in Montgomery that recently led to stray gunfire hitting a government office in the downtown area.

Montgomery has been rocked with a wave of particularly violent crime, including robberies and murders targeting Hispanics and a recent mass shooting that injured 13 people at a massive neighborhood party. With the increased crime has come criticism of Mayor Steven Reed and the city's policies regarding policing.

SEE: State, federal law enforcement investigating Montgomery triple homicide after string of crimes against Hispanics in the city

SEE ALSO: Montgomery bloodshed: Like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, Mayor Reed tweets

The Montgomery Police Department (MPD) is also chronically understaffed, although Reed refuses to state how many officers are currently employed at the MPD.

RELATED: Montgomery Mayor Reed inconsistent with answers on police department staffing numbers

Far from being relegated to specific neighborhoods and areas, violent crime is now moving closer and closer to the downtown area, where most government buildings and offices are located. On Monday, police also responded to the Alabama Center for Commerce building, where bullet holes were found in the upper windows of the building.

With crime escalating, some Montgomery lawmakers have already begun filing bills to curb crime in several prominent municipalities, including Montgomery. One bill would allow the state to appoint an interim police chief in municipalities until the problem is curbed.

SEE: Montgomery lawmakers push against Mayor Reed's narrative blaming permitless carry for escalating crime

Some in the state have even suggested a proverbial nuclear option by bringing in the National Guard. The last time an Alabama governor used the National Guard to address crime in a city was in 1954. Then-Governor Gordon Persons deployed the Guard into Phenix City after the assassination of Attorney General-elect Albert Patterson, who ran on stamping out the gambling, prostitution, bootlegging and other crimes in the city and Russell County.

The result was the total dismantlement of the corruption and organized crime in the area, leading to over 700 indictments against public officials, law enforcement officers and citizens.

1819 News asked the governor's office specifically about solutions her office is considering in Montgomery, up to and including National Guard intervention.

Her office responded by saying, "There is no doubt violent crime is on the rise across the United States, including in areas of Alabama. As stated during the governor's inaugural address, public safety is a priority in Alabama and should be at the forefront of federal, state, and local governments. The governor is currently engaging with law enforcement officials on short-term solutions, while vetting long-term solutions that would be addressed during the 2025 Regular Session."

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