Why is the day that Jesus Christ died on a Roman cross called "good" when it commemorates a day of suffering and death? Why is it not called "Bad Friday?"

In German, the day is called Karfreitag or "Sorrowful Friday." In English, the term "Good Friday" is possibly derived from the term "God's Friday."

Good Friday's events marked the dramatic culmination of God's plan of salvation for His people. The good news of the gospel has little meaning until we understand the condemnation we are under because of our sinful nature. God requires a sacrifice for sins to be forgiven, and Jesus was the perfect sacrificial lamb, slain for the redemption of all who would trust in Him. That day, on the cruel cross, God's righteousness combined with His mercy.

Because of Jesus' willingness to take our punishment, we can receive forgiveness when we place our faith and trust in Him.

Without the crucifixion on Good Friday, there can be no resurrection on Sunday. Mercy triumphed at the cross that day, and that is good news indeed.

Goodfridaycartoon Alabama News
Good Friday cartoon. Image: B.C.

Jim' Zig' Zeigler writes about Alabama's people, places, events, groups and prominent deaths. He is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at ZeiglerElderCare@yahoo.com.

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