Alabama Attorney General chief counsel Katherine Robertson and Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill disputed Vice President Kamala Harris' claim to the mantle of feminism in an op-ed published by Newsweek on Friday.

The two take issue with the Democratic presidential nominee's embrace of President Joe Biden's Executive Order 13988, which they claimed moved the federal government to be on a "crusade for genderlessness."

Robertson and Murrill cited a series of federal programs, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National School Lunch Program and WIC (Women, Infants, Children) program, that the Biden administration is holding hostage to fulfill the executive order's stated goals.

"Even those who subscribe to identity politics can see that Harris is no feminist," the two wrote. "In fact, it is entirely fair to deduce from her record that Kamala Harris is anti-woman."

Read the entire op-ed here.
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