U.S. Sens. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) and John Fetterman (D-Pa.) introduced the Stop the Scroll Act on Tuesday. The act would require social media platforms to display a mental health warning label. 

The legislation would ensure all users, including adolescents, are aware of the potential mental health risks posed by social media usage and are provided access to mental health resources.

"Every child deserves the chance to live their own personal American Dream, but our nation's youth mental health crisis is getting in the way for far too many," Britt said. "With the Stop the Scroll Act, Senator Fetterman and I are following through on the Surgeon General's call to create a warning label for social media platforms, but we're going further by requiring the warning label to also point users to mental health resources. Equipped with the knowledge of the dangers and empowered with the resources to address it, this simple solution will help parents and kids thrive."

Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy recently recommended a warning label be placed on social media platforms. Britt and Fetterman's Stop the Scroll Act would require the Surgeon General to develop and the Federal Trade Commission to implement a label that warns each user of potential mental health impacts of accessing a respective social media platform. Upon opening a social media platform, the warning would appear in a pop-up box format.

Each user would then need to acknowledge the potential mental health risks to proceed to use the platform. The warning label could not be hidden or obscured, and its exact language would adhere to requirements established by the Surgeon General. Additionally, the label would provide an avenue for users to be connected with available mental health resources.

 "As a Senator, but more importantly, as a dad to three young kids, I feel a duty to address how dangerous unchecked social media can be for our mental health. The evidence is right in front of us—addiction, anxiety, depression, and suicide are on the rise, and it's directly tied to these platforms. Senator Britt and I are introducing the Stop the Scroll Act to make sure our laws catch up with the reality we are living in. This bill will help kids and parents alike take control of their social media use, not the other way around," said Fetterman.

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email caleb.taylor@1819News.com.

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