Keith Warren announced on Wednesday he would be resigning as CEO of Smith Warren, a firm that provides administrative services to various state licensing boards.

Warren wrote a letter to employees stating that he was stepping back from daily business activities but would remain the company's owner and president. 

"Effective August 1st, 2024, I will be resigning from my position as CEO of Smith Warren. I am pleased to announce that Brannon Littleton will be assuming the roles of CEO and CFO. Mr. Littleton will be responsible for leading the company on a daily basis and establishing and enforcing all operational policies, including employment decisions and Compensation," Warren said in the letter. "While I will remain President and owner of the company, I will immediately withdraw from daily business activities. Starting August 1st, I will be available only for communication with Mr. Littleton, board members, and legislative personnel. All inquiries related to licensing applicants will be managed directly by the licensing managers.

Warren continued, "Please note that as of August 1st, I will no longer be available for phone calls or emails from employees and/or licensees. My primary communication will be with board members and legislative personnel.

"I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported me over the years. The success of this company is due to your hard work and dedication. I ask that you continue that same support to Mr. Littleton as he guides the company."

Smith Warren and other private companies and individuals who contract with state licensing boards to provide administrative services have been criticized by legislators in recent years. Legislation to consolidate some of the licensing boards managed by private entities into one state agency was filed in the previous two sessions but didn't garner enough support to be passed into law. 

Warren told 1819 News on Wednesday, "I will be devoting my time and attention to the Boards and serving as the ED." 

"Mr. Littleton will run the company so we are dividing responsibilities to better serve the boards and the public," Warren said.

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