Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall says the State of Florida should be allowed to regulate child gender procedures.

In a brief in support of Florida’s appeal to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, Marshall urged the Court to reverse the district court’s injunction on Florida’s law placing restrictions on sex change procedures for minors and prohibiting puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for children.

The 23-state brief follows a 22-state brief to allow Florida to continue enforcing its law while the appeal is heard. That request was granted.

Alabama’s Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act was also challenged. The 11th Circuit allowed the law to be enforced and Marshall said he will continue to help other states protect children from sex change procedures.

“When Alabama’s law was challenged, we fought back, uncovering numerous documents from radical organizations and the Biden-Harris Administration showing that they knew all along that the evidence simply does not support performing sex-change procedures on minors,” Marshall said. “It is now clearer than ever that the key organizations supporting these procedures, including the federal government, have prioritized politics and ideology over the health of children.”

“I’m grateful Alabama was able to uncover this medical and political scandal, and we will continue to defend children from these life-altering experiments,” he continued.

States that joined the brief were Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.

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