On Wednesday, Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin issued a "direct plea" to residents following recent shootings in which two children were shot on Mother's Day and a 62-year-old disabled man was shot and killed.

On Mother's Day, London, 9, was shot in the crossfire of a shootout in Gate City, while 11-year-old Mason was also shot along with his father. Both children are reportedly expected to recover.

On Tuesday, 62-year-old Michael Coleman was shot and killed in the crossfire of a shootout. Coleman was reportedly struck, but since he suffered from ALS and was in a wheelchair, he could not escape and get help after being shot.

“These are our most vulnerable people in our community: our children and our elders,” Woodfin emphasized in a press conference.

“It's without fail ... we are supposed to we — as in the village — are supposed to do everything to take care of our children and our elders, our seniors.”

According to the mayor, witnesses are refusing to cooperate with the Birmingham Police Department to bring justice. He also expressed his frustration with the lack of assistance from people who may have information on shootings.

"[I] do want to talk about how the village, the community members, the residents have to step up," he declared, adding that there would be assistance for people who fear retaliation for testifying against shooters.

"I ... want to talk about people in this community who literally give safe harbor to people who shoot and/or kill children and seniors," Woodfin added. “In three instances, people have taken the opportunity to shoot an 11-year-old, a 9-year-old, who survived, and shoot and kill a 62-year-old man. There is no one in this community who should be giving them or providing them safe harbor."

Woodfin noted there was a partnership with Crimestoppers with $80,000 in it to incentivize witnesses or those with information to come forward.

"Now, I shouldn't have to dangle money in front of you to do the right thing, but I think it's required by any means necessary to get factual information for people to come forward to encourage you to come forward that if a reward is needed, I am telling you at a minimum there is $80,000 in the pot right now for people who have information who have shot children in this city," he stated.

Watch the full press conference here:

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