By Brandon Moseley

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn on Tuesday endorsed retired Col. Casey Wardynski for Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District. Both Flynn and Wardynski served under the Trump Administration.

“In times like these, it is incumbent upon good men to stand up for others,” Flynn said in a statement. “We are witnessing the attempted destruction of our nation from the top down, and we can no longer sit idly by or passively vote for weak representatives to send to our nation’s capital. These are some of the reasons why, today, I am announcing my endorsement of Hon. Casey Wardynski for Congress in AL-5.”

Referencing Wardynski’s US Army career, Flynn added “Like myself, Casey has successfully taken on the swamp - and won. A retired Army Colonel of 30 years, and father of three service members, he understands the importance of a strong national defense as well as the needs of our veterans.”

Wardynski served as Trump’s appointed Assistant Secretary of the Army and previously as the Director of the Army’s Office of Economic and Manpower Analysis,

“A doer who helped President Trump build the wall and get Critical Race Theory out of West Point, he won’t hesitate to fight for us,” Flynn said. “An economist, he has the knowledge to stop inflation in its tracks and get tough on China again.”

Wardynski also served as the Superintendent of Huntsville City Schools.

“A leader in education, he will fight for parents’ rights in the classroom and end left-wing indoctrination of our children,” Flynn said. “Rarely does our country have the opportunity to elect true patriots like Casey Wardynski. I strongly and wholeheartedly endorse him and encourage the citizens of north Alabama to support him at the polls on May 24, 2022.”