Congressman Mo Brooks received a number of endorsements from veritable conservative celebrities, while Mike Durant kept the campaign wheels moving on the eve of Alabama’s Republican Primary.  

On Monday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) appeared with Brooks at the Huntsville airport to display his full support for Brooks in his race for the soon-to-be-vacant seat in the United States Senate.

“This race is going to determine whether or not we have a proven conservative who will stand and fight and lead,” Cruz said. “And if you look at the insanity that is going on in Washington, we need warriors,”

On Monday evening, Brooks joined Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) in a tele-town hall, in which Brooks received Paul’s endorsement, and the pair discussed Brooks’ upcoming primary election on Tuesday.  

Paul opened the town hall with his “excited” endorsement of Brooks, chastising the Republican voting record on the budget and Obamacare while claiming that Brooks is “one of the top five most conservative members of the House.”

“I said when I first ran that the Republican Party is an empty vessel unless we imbue it with values,” Paul said. “It’s not enough to be just Republican; you have to believe in something. A good example is the debt. All Republicans say they’re – you know – for reducing the debt, for less spending, they come home, and they act like they are fiscally conservative. The last time we voted on a balanced budget amendment, every Republican voted for it in the Senate. However, only about half of those Senators ever vote against any of the spending.

“…The one thing I know for sure is that Mo Brooks will vote for a balanced budget. I don’t know that about all Republicans.

“…You know why we still have Obamacare? Because seven Republican Senators voted to keep it. I know Mo Brooks will have the guts and the courage – because he’s already had it – to oppose Obamacare.”

Brooks attempted to draw a sharp distinction between himself and his two primary opponents, especially in Second Amendment protection.

Brooks said, “You can look at the endorsements from the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, and the National Association of Gun Rights. That’s the golden trifecta.

“They’re endorsing Mo Brooks. Why? As I’ve mentioned, the others have shown weakness. You’ve got Mike Durant, who has publicly stated that the best way to bring about law and order to American citizens is by disarming the population.”

Brooks believes that his opponents’ criticism of him speaks against their records as Second Amendment advocates, as they both claim themselves to be.  

Both of Brooks’ opponents, Katie Britt and Mike Durant, criticized his “no” vote on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), both saying they would have voted in favor.

According to Brooks, the NDAA contained so-called red flag laws, incorporating females in selective service (commonly called the draft), and vaccine mandates for military personnel.

“Both Mike Durant and Katie Britt, in their zeal to try to portray me as anti-military, attacked me for that vote, and both of them said that they would have voted for an NDAA that had red flag laws in it and undermined the Second Amendment right to bear arms.”   

Brooks defended his status as a pro-life Republican while stating that Durant and Britt’s true stance on abortion is unknown since they have “never held so much as a dog-catcher elected position.”

He further questioned the pro-life conviction of Durant and Britt for not voting against “pro-abortion” candidate Sen. Doug Jones.

The pair announced unanimous consent to subpoena the Chief Medical Advisor to the President, Anthony Fauci, in relation to the origins of the COVID-19 virus.

“I know Mo Brooks will be there,” Paul said. “I will have a chairmanship, and if Mo wins, and he is up there, I know that he will vote to allow me to subpoena Fauci, to get all the records, to find out whether or not this virus originated in a lab in China, and try to prevent it from ever happening again.”

Brooks and Paul also vehemently opposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates, which have been a hot-button issue for over a year.

Brooks gave no predictions for the primary vote. However, he did conclude the town hall by highlighting what he believes distinguishes him in the race and firing a parting shot against Britt.

“I’ve been endorsed by Senator Rand Paul and Senator Ted Cruz,” Brooks said. “Katie Britt is being supported with millions of dollars by Mitch McConnell. Whose judgment do you trust better to represent our conservative values: Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Rand Paul, Or Mitch McConnell? That pretty much simplifies this race.”

Durant spent the eve of the Primary receiving a folded American flag from supporter Ashlie Combs during a stop at a barbecue restaurant in Homewood.

Durant is running on his status as a military veteran and POW, claiming that his lack of political experience is an advantage rather than a hindrance.

“I’m the non-career politician,” Durant said. “I’m the one who has combat veteran experience, business owner experience. I’m in it for the right reason. I’m in it to serve. I’m not in it because I’ve aspired to be this my whole life. In fact, I don’t like politics. But we need people like me in Washington.

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