Montgomery Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Melvin Brown resigned this week.

Brown has been superintendent since April 2022. His resignation is effective November 1.

“The dedicated educators, staff, and administrators of Montgomery Public Schools are more than capable of sustaining and advancing the progress we have made. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Superintendent. I am grateful for the support and collaboration of the Board, the staff, the students, and the community. As I move on to new challenges, I carry with me the lessons and experiences gained here, and I look forward to seeing the continued success of Montgomery Public Schools. I will work as closely as you wish with you and the Board of Education, the Superintendent’s Cabinet, the staff, and my successor to forge a seamless transition enabling the district to maintain the momentum that has been established. Thank you again and I wish only the best for the Montgomery Public Schools,” Brown said in a statement to WSFA

Montgomery County Board of Education member Dr. Lesa Keith told 1819 News a recent disagreement with Brown over an education program at the school system called Edgenuity was the “final straw” for her planning to vote to not renew Brown’s contract in November.

Keith said she was speaking only for herself and not the entire board. She said a majority of the board would’ve likely voted to not renew Brown’s superintendent contract when it came up for a vote in November if he hadn’t resigned. There are seven members on the board.

“He knew he did not have the fourth vote,” Keith said. “He knew that he didn’t. I think 95% of it was to save face. Why not resign rather than say, ‘Hey, I don’t have the four votes.’?”

Montgomery County Board of Education president Dr. Brenda Coleman told the outlet, “It is with mixed emotions that the Montgomery County Board of Educations has received notice that Dr. Melvin J. Brown will resign as Superintendent effective November 1, 2024.”

“As much as I personally regret Dr. Brown’s decision, I am supportive of him and the decision that he feels he must make on behalf of himself and his family,” Coleman said. “Dr. Brown has done an outstanding job for the Montgomery Public School system. He is one of the best superintendents that I have ever had the opportunity to work with and he has moved this district forward in a swift and positive manner. It is imperative that my fellow board members and I come together to put forth a strategy that will continue the work Dr. Brown has started. We have an obligation to our students, families, and community to do such.”

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