During an appearance on Mobile radio FM Talk 106.5's "The Jeff Poor Show," U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) reacted to Saturday's shooting that killed four and reportedly wounded at least 17 others.

Palmer, whose district includes parts of the City of Birmingham, dismissed efforts to make firearms the central issue that led to the shooting.

"It's not about guns," he said. "I mean, the left runs around, the Democrats run around, they want to make it about guns. Well, I got news — murder is already illegal, but they're still killing people. Felons owning firearms is already illegal, but they're still getting firearms and committing crimes. This idea that we're going to take certain kinds of guns or all guns off the street, I mean, Kamala [Harris] wants a mandatory registration and require that everyone lock up their guns in their homes and even suggested at one point that don't be surprised if we come to your door and want to see where your guns are locked up. I mean, that doesn't change anything."

"These are the same people who attack police officers and advocated for defunding the police," Palmer added. "Kamala was out talking about social intervention, like a sociologist could solve all of our crime problems. I think the way you solve this is you go after these gangs, you go after these people who are trafficking drugs and involved in sex trafficking, and you lock them up and throw the freaking key away. That's how you get guns off the street. You get people who are "committing violent crimes with guns off the streets, and you'll take those guns off the street."

Jeff Poor is the editor in chief of 1819 News and host of "The Jeff Poor Show," heard Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon on Mobile's FM Talk 106.5. To connect or comment, email jeff.poor@1819News.com or follow him on Twitter @jeff_poor.

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