A mysterious poll started popping up in text messages of some Senate District 16 residents this week asking who their preferred candidate would be to replace State Sen. Jabo Waggoner (R-Vestavia Hills) if he decided not to run for re-election in 2026.

Waggoner, 87, told 1819 News in a statement on Wednesday that he hadn't decided yet whether to run for the seat again.

"It is my greatest honor to serve Jefferson and Shelby counties. I believe we have the best district in the state, and my focus remains on finishing this term by making District 16 a better and safer place to live, work, and raise a family. Looking to the next election cycle, I am talking to my family and praying, just as I have done before every other election. Regardless of my decision, we still have two years of work to uphold and strengthen Alabama's conservative values," Waggoner said.

The poll reportedly listed State Rep. Mike Shaw (R-Hoover), Ashley Curry, and former Republican State Rep. Paul DeMarco as options for the seat if Waggoner declined to run for another term.

DeMarco told 1819 News he didn't know who was behind the poll.

"Other than hearing about it, I don't know anything more about it," DeMarco said. "I had nothing to do with that poll."

Shaw said, "I heard about that survey also—lots of screenshots sent my way."

"It's very flattering, but I'm focused on my job in the House representing the folks in my District. I'm a huge fan of Senator Waggoner, and I look forward to working with him as long as possible," Shaw told 1819 News.

Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato said he had seen the poll but didn't think he was listed as an option. He said he wasn't interested in running for the seat.

"I'm not aware of Senator Waggoner not running. If he should decide not to run I am not interested in running for that position. My focus will continue to focus on the mayor's race in Hoover," Brocato said.

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email caleb.taylor@1819News.com.

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