Alabama Republican Party chairman and recently elected Alabama Public Library Service (APLS) chairman John Wahl has laid out his plans to strengthen the state's libraries after over a year of contentious debate surrounding sexually explicit books.

The APLS board elected Wahl to serve as the chairman on Thursday since former chairman Ron Snider was term-limited.

SEE: ALGOP's Wahl elected state library board chairman: 'It's a duty that I take seriously'

SEE ALSO: State Library Board votes down raise for director Nancy Pack after heated debate over budget, job performance

The APLS board has been thrust into the limelight over the past year after statewide controversy arose surrounding sexually explicit books in Alabama's public libraries. Since the beginning of the controversy, Wahl has been at the forefront, calling for reforms in the state's libraries and opposing the inclusion of sexually explicit materials targeted toward minors.

At the behest of lawmakers and Gov. Kay Ivey, the APLS passed a series of administrative rule changes, including making state funding dependent on compliance with the procurement and placement of certain books and rules for challenging and removing books deemed to be obscene or sexually explicit. The legislature also cut the APLS's funding during the previous session after lawmakers petitioned the board to take action.

On Monday, Wahl released a series of policy priorities leading into his tenure as chairman, laying out plans to address citizens' concerns surrounding the sexually explicit material while replacing the lost funding.

"As Chairman, my top priority is ensuring that our libraries serve as welcoming, safe, and enriching spaces for all members of our communities," Wahl said. "I love libraries, and what they bring to so many people. I want to encourage a love of reading and learning in our young people, and I hope I am able to help accomplish that. I also feel the APLS Board has a responsibility to protect our children from inappropriate material, restore parent's trust in Alabama libraries, and ensure that our libraries remain a beacon of knowledge and community engagement."

Key goals of Wahl's administration include the following:

  • Listening to the People of Alabama: Committing to ensuring that the voices of Alabamians are heard by encouraging open dialogue between the APLS board, local libraries and their communities. 

  • Helping Local Libraries Better Serve Their Communities: Committing to communicating with and working closely with local libraries to ensure they are meeting the needs of their communities. This includes providing support, resources, and training to help libraries across the state improve services and engagement with patrons.

  • Protecting Children from Sexually Explicit Materials: Wahl stated that he has been a leading voice for safeguarding children from inappropriate material, and his chairmanship will continue the efforts of the APLS board to make sure sexually explicit and inappropriate materials are not easily accessible to children. 

  • Restoring Parents' Trust in Libraries: Wahl emphasized his dedication to empowering parents to have a stronger voice in their children's library experiences. His administration will work to restore parental confidence in libraries, ensuring that parents feel respected and supported in their decisions about what is appropriate for their children. "Parents should feel confident that their local libraries reflect their values and offer safe, enriching experiences for their children," Wahl said.

  • Encouraging a Love of Reading: According to Wahl, one of the core missions of the APLS under his leadership will be to foster a lifelong love of reading in Alabama's children and adults alike. Wahl aims to collaborate with educators, parents, and local libraries to develop engaging programs that inspire readers of all ages.

  • Fostering Community Involvement: Wahl plans to strengthen libraries' role as community hubs by creating new programs and promoting increased involvement. To spark a passion for reading among Alabama's youth, Chairman Wahl plans to launch reading and drawing competitions that will promote literacy and creativity. 

  • Securing Lost Funding for the Library Service: Wahl plans to work with state legislators and key stakeholders to reinstate funding lost in last year's state budget. He said ensuring libraries have adequate resources is crucial to providing high-quality services and expanding programs that benefit all Alabamians.

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