Alabama is 20th in the nation for religious liberty, according to a new ranking from the Center for Religion, Culture and Democracy.

Now in its third annual edition, Religious Liberty in the States 2024 considers thirty-nine legal provisions that states may adopt to protect religious liberty including conscience protections, abortion refusal, and houses of worship protections from shutdowns.

One of the study’s authors told 1819 News recently Alabama’s ranking was “not bad” but the state has room to improve.

“Religious Liberty in the States 2024 considers 39 distinct ways that states may, or may not, protect religious liberty.  States either have these laws on the books or not—there is nothing subjective about our index. Alabama has adopted 45.2 percent of the safeguards we consider, which results in the state being ranked 20th in the nation.  This is not bad, but the state could improve its score (and protect its citizens) by adopting laws to ensure that clergy, public officials, and businesses can’t be forced to participate in wedding ceremonies to which they have sincere religious objections,” Mark Daivd Hall, project director for Religious Liberty in the States, said.

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