Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced Monday that his campaign had submitted over 15,000 signatures from Alabama residents, more than three times the amount needed to appear on the ballot in November's presidential race.

Kennedy only required 5,000 signatures from Alabama residents to score a ballot spot. Hitting three times the needed amount gives the campaign plenty of wiggle room in case of discrepancies during the validation process.

The Kennedy campaign said it submitted the signatures on Thursday, more than a week before the state's mandatory guidelines for signature submissions.

"We are providing Alabama voters a chance to change the trajectory of our country from a negative to positive future," said Alabama state director Oluchi Onwuvuche. "Kennedy is focused on the issues that affect the majority of Americans, such as reducing the national debt, ending the chronic disease epidemic, and stopping the forever wars."

The campaign has now collected over 1 million signatures nationwide, enough needed for ballot access in 47 states, totaling 517 electoral votes, 96% of the 538 total electoral votes nationwide.

As an independent candidate, Kennedy's campaign was compelled to collect signatures in individual states.

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