Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen is continuing his crusade to ensure election integrity and oppose the Biden administration's initiatives to corrupt the voting process.

Allen joined "The Charlie Kirk Show" on Tuesday, where he explained how illegal aliens were being registered to vote and how the National Voting Rights Act (NVRA) was hampering his ability to clean up voter rolls in Alabama.

Allen and his office have been on high alert since receiving a complaint that someone's dead relative received a voter registration form. While investigating that issue, Allen said he discovered that anyone, including illegal aliens, who interacts with certain government agencies is being given a voter registration form.

"Not only did they send it to someone that was deceased, but we started asking questions… Come to find out, like I said, anyone who comes into contact with those agencies, they received a voter registration form, and that is something we have got to change."

Allen said he asked the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for a list of non-citizens to compare to Alabama's current voter rolls but was denied.

"You're a taxpayer, I'm a taxpayer, I represent over 5 million taxpayers in this state of Alabama, and we're going to continue that fight to gain access to that information," he said. "And also, we need access to the Social Security National Death Index, free of charge, without any red tape, without having to jump through hoops, to remove those individuals who have passed away, remove them instantaneously."

"I'm telling you what, we've got to make some changes. We've got to reform the NVRA, and we got to keep pushing back on some of these things that Biden's doing. He is radical, and he is lawless."

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