U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) honored State Rep. Donna Givens (R-Loxley) Wednesday night in Washington, D.C., with a Congressional Angels in Adoption Award

Aderholt, who co-chairs the Congressional Coalition on Adoption, nominated Givens for the award for her work on the Alabama Baby Boxes program.

Aderholt said on Wednesday, “The test of a great society has always been in how it treats its children."

“A moral society recognizes that investing in our children is an investment in continuing the way of life we hold so dear. This investment in a child’s security, stability and well-being creates an environment that allows for curiosity and growth. This growth and curiosity leads to innovation and progress. Adoption is a chance for people just like each of you to invest in our nation’s future. By welcoming a child into your home, integrating them as part of your family, the safety and security required for a child to flourish can be achieved,” he added. “I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you here tonight. I want to especially recognize my nominee: Alabama State Representative Donna Givens. Donna - your heart for the often-forgotten children of the world inspires me daily. I want to take a few moments to tell you all the story of why I nominated Representative Givens to be my nominee this year. As a freshman in the Alabama State House, Representative Givens championed a bill that increases protections for surrendered infants.”

Givens sponsored legislation passed into law last session allowing fire stations and medical centers to install "baby boxes" for mothers to surrender children within 45 days.

“She maneuvered her bill through the Alabama Legislature and saw it pass unanimously. Prior to her bill becoming law, infants could only be surrendered within seventy-two hours of birth at hospitals. Representative Givens’ legislation extended that period to forty-five days and enabled fire stations to accept surrendered infants 24 hours per day, if staffed by emergency medical personnel. Representative Givens’ bill has already saved lives,” Aderholt said. “So far, just in the past year, three babies have been surrendered at fire station baby boxes. Babies whose mothers made the ultimate sacrifice of love, to surrender their babies knowing they would have a better life in better circumstances. These infants and the ones who will be surrendered in the future will have a chance to be adopted by families who will care for them and ensure their safety.”

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email caleb.taylor@1819News.com.

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