Jesus persistently challenged the Pharisees, scribes and lawyers because in their positions of authority they were determining, writing and implementing the rules to benefit themselves. He was calling them (and us) to a higher standard. 

With leadership comes responsibilities, and with responsibility comes duty. Unfortunately, those in leadership positions in our culture (from parents to those in the pulpits or podiums) have forgotten their primary duty all too often. But there's room for repentance and corrective actions that change the courses of destruction on which we find ourselves.

I recently had the opportunity to speak on the radio. One of the topics that came up was the lack of trust by a majority of Americans toward those in public service. This reminded me of one of my favorite stories of how the Lord works in mysterious ways.

About 10 years ago, a big story came out of Atlanta exposing the ways we can overcome Satanic forces in little and big ways. The backstory revolves around a program that President Barack Obama put in place to incentivize inner city school administrators to increase the scores of their students. If the test score improved, then the administrators received bonuses. A few of the inner-city Atlanta schools saw HUGE improvements in their test scores. It seemed “fishy,” so the governor appointed a task force – headed by a bipartisan team of former attorneys general – to investigate.

One of the investigators hung out a lot at one school, and one of the teachers most obnoxious toward him was Jacqueline Parks. It turns out she was one who would go into a locked room (guarded by an administrator) and then proceed to change student test answers before the tests were scored, hence the astounding improvement. (How evil can you get?)

According to story published as the lead article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Parks went to church one Sunday where the Lord convicted of her sin. As a result, she went to the investigator, of course when nobody was around, agreeing to wear a wire and record the evil actions.

Her repentance led to 35 convictions, including the superintendent, and the demonic was laid bare for all to see.

Consider this in light of the contempt displayed by Democratic Party leaders toward their own constituents, allowing them to summarily disregard the millions of votes that Biden received just months ago. These fools have exposed their own contemptibility like never before. Sadly, the complicit media has ignored such abuse toward the Democratic voter, relegating itself almost to irrelevancy. 

Given the utter distrust or even contempt that a large portion of our countrymen have toward our elected officials and their media mouthpieces, it is past time for those who truly follow our risen Lord and Savior to seek Him and repent in order for us to begin to trust the Pharisees, scribes and lawyers of our day.

Judgment begins in the house of the Lord – recovery starts with repentance.

Dr. Tankersley is a fourth-generation physician serving in the Montgomery area. He also served on three deployments in the U.S. Army’s Medical Corp, retiring in 2021 as a Colonel in the Alabama Army National Guard. In 2012, Gov. Robert Bentley appointed him to a five-year term on the Alabama Ethics Commission, and in 2020, Gov. Kay Ivey appointed him to the state’s vaccine working group. Besides being involved in church activities, Dr. Tankersley enjoys reading and spending time with his family. 

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