U.S. Rep. Dale Strong (R-Monrovia) released a statement on Thursday applauding the passage of the FY25 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and its provisions.

Strong, who serves on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), praised the bill for addressing national security concerns and raising the quality of life for military members. The legislation also includes missile defense, research and development, national and space security, and cybersecurity programs.

“Defending our national security is one of my top priorities as North Alabama's representative," Strong stated. "It’s undeniable that this great nation faces unprecedented threats from across the globe. This NDAA addresses those threats head-on."

“Unlike any defense authorization before it, this NDAA includes provisions that are laser-focused on improving the quality of life for our troops, including a massive pay raise for our lower enlisted service members, sweeping on-base housing reform, and permanent authorization of the Military Spouse Career Accelerator pilot program,” he added.

On-base housing issues have plagued the military fot several years as service membere complained of lackluster housing and barracks. This NDAA, Strong says, will add additional funding to help alleviate those issues.

HASC chairman U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Saks) said of Strong’s involvement with the committee and FY25 NDAA, “Rep. Strong is a tireless advocate for North Alabama."

"Thanks to Rep. Strong’s leadership on the House Armed Services Committee, the FY25 NDAA will strengthen our military, support our servicemembers and their families, and champion the vital role Alabama plays in bolstering our national defense," he added.

Additionally, for the second year, Strong kicked off the NDAA process by hosting a virtual overview and an in-person listening session with constituents and industry representatives recently. Strong committed to providing this process so he may better advocate for provisions that directly benefit North Alabama, Redstone Arsenal and the state as a whole.

Strong concluded, "I am proud of the provisions in the FY25 NDAA that support the critical role North Alabama plays in our national defense. I thank Chairman Rogers for his hard work to support our service members and I look forward to advancing this bill to the full House."  

The NDAA for FY25 is $883.7 billion for the Defense Department and will now head to the House floor for a full vote. With elections in November and a new Congress starting in January, Republicans will push hard to get this bill passed.

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email Bradley.cox@1819news.com or on Twitter @BradleyCoxAL.

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