The House Homeland Security Committee held a hearing on Wednesday during which U.S. Rep. Dale Strong (R-Monrovia) raised concerns about the recent influx of Haitian migrants seen in Alabama and elsewhere in the country.

The meeting was entitled "A Country Without Borders: How the Biden-Harris Open Borders Policies Have Undermined Our Safety and Security."

Strong began his time for questions by asking Jim Desmond of San Diego, Calif., about his statements regarding the "millions of local taxpayer dollars have been diverted to cover the costs associated with the mass immigration of asylum-seeking immigrants – money that could have been better spent on our residents and vital services."

"Like you, I have serious concerns about the burden communities face as a consequence of this administration's border crisis, especially small and rural communities," Strong said.

Strong referenced the many news reports of Alabama communities with "stretched-thin resources," like Albertville, Athens, Sylacauga and Coffee County, being overwhelmed by an influx of Haitian immigrants.

"I have heard this very sentiment myself," he said. "There are countless examples of this Administration's policies and failures that have gotten us to this point. One that has come to the forefront is, of course Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, which, at the end of July this year, had paroled over half a million migrants into the United States."

Strong expressed his concerns to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas over a month ago but has not received a response.

"I also find it ironic that those responsible for the situation that you're in today – Vice President Harris and Secretary Mayorkas – are two of California's finest," Strong continued. "It sends a clear message to every American that they would allow this to happen in their own communities… if they don't care about what's happening in their own backyards, why would they care what is happening in Alabama? I think the evidence is obvious."

When Strong asked Desmond as his time for questioning ended, Desmond agreed that "the Biden-Harris administration's policies have better served the interest of criminal cartels than the American people."

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