U.S. Sens. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) and Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) recently joined in introducing legislation to repeal the Natural Gas Tax included in the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

The bill is sponsored by U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and supported by 11 other lawmakers. It would remove new taxes on energy companies that the lawmakers believe will most negatively affect low-income families by driving up energy costs.

Under the IRA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will use data to assess a tax for emissions exceeding 25,000 tons of CO2. The methane emissions charge under the IRA starts in 2024 at $900 per ton of methane. It increases to $1,200 per ton in 2025 and $1,500 per ton in 2026 and subsequent years. The fee on methane emissions will impact pipeline operators and both oil and gas producers.

“The Biden administration has once again prioritized woke climate activists over the American people,” Tuberville said. “Since day one in office, Joe Biden has waged war on American energy – driving up costs and sending American jobs overseas. The last thing Americans need right now are higher taxes and government red tape. I am proud to join this legislation which puts American taxpayers first and works toward American energy independence.”

Britt echoed Tuberville's sentiments, bashing the Biden administration's "irresponsible" climate policies.

"As this Administration wages its war on American energy, I will continue to work alongside my colleagues to ensure our domestic energy producers aren’t strangled by President Biden’s red tape regime," Britt said. "For the past three years, this Administration has been intent on prioritizing its irresponsible, partisan Green New Deal Agenda, ultimately weakening our national and economic security. It’s past time to unleash not just U.S. energy independence, but energy dominance.”

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email craig.monger@1819news.com.

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