Tuesday on Newsmax TV's "The Chris Salcedo Show," U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) suggested Democrats and the modern left the political party represents had no room to talk when it comes to calling Republicans "weird."

Tuberville noted the effort by the left to promote their belief system through the education system.

He also questioned what presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Kamala Harris could offer Americans during her campaign.

"Senator, from the socialism we've witnessed to the LGBTQ ABCDEFG cultural Marxist agenda, to the lawlessness in the streets and the borders, to a diversity, inclusion, equity government that checks every box except for the 'I'm qualified for my job' box, do Democrats have any room to be throwing around the 'weird' label?" Salcedo asked.

"Well, they have no game plan, Chris," Tuberville replied. "They have nothing to talk about, as you said. You know, when you when you hear the statement, 'men can get pregnant and have women,' you know, you're dealing with not just weird, you're dealing with crazy. I mean, these people have lost their minds and they absolutely believe it. And they're pushing that narrative on our kids. That's what gets me. We need to get to our education and straighten that out. They are trying to dumb down the people in this country to where they can control them."

"It all starts through education, Chris," he continued. "I dealt with it for 35 years in coaching. I've seen it for the last 20 years just go downhill and we have to get control of our education. But again, going back to what these Democrats are saying — they have not done one thing to help the American people. They spend money. They're big government. They started wars, they opened borders, They've got crime rampant. What in the world is Kamala Karris selling to the American people and Joe Biden, or wherever he's at? Nobody's seen him, but it just absolutely amazes me. Just as somebody that's never been in politics — to see how these people try to push a narrative that is so false."

Jeff Poor is the editor in chief of 1819 News and host of "The Jeff Poor Show," heard Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon on Mobile's FM Talk 106.5. To connect or comment, email jeff.poor@1819News.com or follow him on Twitter @jeff_poor.

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