The fix is in. For months, the Democrat Party machine, including Hollywood, the elites and their corrupt media lackeys, were plotting to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Devi Harris.

Their objective was simple: maintain their iron grip on power. Voters and American taxpayers be damned.

On July 21, 2024, this Deep State cabal succeeded in carrying out its un-American scheme. Ironically, Biden’s reelection hopes ended on what I suspect is his favorite holiday: National Ice Cream Day. I can hear Kamala cackling now.

In the coming weeks, Americans will learn more about the coup to replace Biden with Kamala. Formerly rated as the most liberal member of the United States Senate, Kamala has been waiting in the wings to seize the Oval Office. That time has come. A far more radical and power-hungry political operative than her predecessor, Kamala presents the clearest vision for a woke-totalitarian America.

Now, the Deep State cabal, Democrat operatives, and the crooked media will attempt to recast Kamala as a breath of fresh air for the Democratic Party and the country. They have her back because she’s had theirs her entire career.

However, Kamala is anything but new and refreshing. She is simply new window-dressing on the same failed progressive policies of the Democratic Party machine. Except this time, Kamala embodies these ideas at a concentration level far greater than any of the previous Democrat presidential candidates combined.

Take the wide-open southern border. Under this administration, Kamala was given the responsibility of “border czar.” The so-called “border czar” took three months to visit the border — and she hasn’t been back since. On her watch, at least 10 million illegals — that we know of — have invaded our country. While not all of these people are violent, hundreds of garbage terrorists, murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and gang members are pouring into our country. Sadly, this crisis has brought crime into our communities, flooded our neighborhoods with fentanyl, and caused human trafficking to skyrocket. Jobs are being ripped away from American workers and given to illegal aliens.

Kamala has taken the “border czar” role as seriously as you’d expect a California liberal to take it. During the 2020 Democratic primary race, she raised her hand to affirm that she believes illegally crossing the border should be downgraded to a civil offense. She’s supported abolishing ICE. She believes Trump’s plan to complete the border wall is a “medieval vanity project.” She boasted that one of the first achievements of the Biden-Harris administration was pushing a bill through Congress that would grant mass amnesty for illegals. Not only does she want to grant foreigners amnesty, she wants illegals to receive free healthcare at the expense of the American taxpayer.

The media and Deep State operatives will try to frame Kamala’s policies as compassionate and humane, as they always do. But the American people won’t be fooled. She wants to fundamentally change election results in this country by allowing illegals to vote. All of these policies are motivated by Democrats’ desire to achieve a permanent hold on power.

Kamala knows how to accomplish this because she helped write the playbook for it during her time in California politics. The Democrats want Americans to be a poor, dependent populace that is completely beholden to its left-wing overlords. That is exactly what Kamala will do from behind the Resolute Desk.

In addition to the mayhem Kamala’s immigration vision has brought on our country, her crime policies fare even worse. Kamala doesn’t mind violent criminals roaming the streets — she encourages it. She has previously pledged to eliminate cash bail, which would keep hardened criminals on the prowl. She has said that it is “outdated and wrongheaded” to put more cops on the street to help face the surge in violent crime. Of course, all of this she promotes with the benefit of being provided private security services.

Kamala has also joined the chorus of leftist activists calling for a “reimagining of public safety.” What does this “reimagining public safety” look like? It looks like when the Kamala-backed Freedom Fund raised money to bail out a previously convicted rapist, Christopher Boswell after he was charged with kidnapping, assault, and sexual assault in 2020. It looks like successfully bailing out Shawn Michael Tillman, who shot and killed a passenger in cold blood at a Minnesota train station. It looks like raising money to bail out Jaleel Stallings, who was charged in 2020 with the attempted murder of two police officers during the Floyd riots.

Kamala funding the release of thugs into our communities should come as no surprise. She publicly applauded California Gov. Gavin Newsom for pausing the use of the death penalty. She praised Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for cutting the LAPD budget by $150 million. She once criticized President Biden for being too hard on crime. While running for president in 2019, she recklessly rushed to call actor Jussie Smollett’s hate crime hoax a “modern-day lynching” – something for which Smollett was later jailed for staging. Her woke vision for criminal justice in our country is anything but just. It is pure anarchy unleashed on law-abiding citizens.

With this abysmal record, it’s no wonder she ended her 2020 presidential campaign early. She was widely unpopular even amongst the Democrats. In her 11-month campaign, she didn’t even get 1,000 votes in the 2020 primary. That’s about 0.002% of the Democratic primary vote.

But the Democrat elites and party machine that run the White House JUST DON’T CARE. As soon as they saw that Biden was consistently trailing President Trump in the polls, Schumer, Pelosi and Democrat operatives devised a plan to dump Biden and install Kamala. It’s about as anti-democratic and un-American as it gets, and Kamala was complicit. This allowed her to bypass the primary process, which was the only way she would ever become the Democrat nominee for president. It disenfranchised Democrat voters, and other potential candidates were steamrolled — just like Sen. Bernie Sanders was in the last two primaries.

All of this and more will come to light in the coming weeks. We are only 102 days out. Whether it’s Kamala’s radical woke policies or her California-style political tactics, as the Gospel of Luke says, “There is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.”

The American people will see who Kamala truly is, and there’s nothing the Deep State, the media, or the Marxist-Democrat elites can do to shield the real Kamala Devi Harris from us.

Sen. Tommy Tuberville represents Alabama in the United States Senate and is a member of the Senate Armed Services, Agriculture, Veterans’ Affairs, and HELP Committees.

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