U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) is continuing to stand by former President Donald Trump after traveling to New York City to support Trump in his ongoing legal battle surrounding alleged hush money paid to a porn star.

Trump is accused of falsifying business records to pay $130,000 in “hush money” to a porn star in 2016. Trump has pleaded not guilty and denied the allegations.

Tuberville joined Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall at the Manhattan courthouse on Monday. Both spoke in support of Trump and against the trial, which they said was unfair and politically motivated.

On Wednesday, Tuberville doubled down on his support for the former president and clarified that his travels were not paid for with taxpayer dollars.

“This week, I was proud to travel to New York to stand in support of my good friend, President Donald Trump,” Tuberville said. “No taxpayer dollars were used to pay for this trip, and the liberal media are losing their minds. This trial is a joke. This has nothing to do with President Trump’s business transactions. Americans see this one-sided case for what it is: a political circus. We can’t have a two-tiered justice system. That’s how you end up as a banana Republic. So far, the prosecution’s case is backfiring on them. Donald Trump is a good businessman, a great businessman, and a fantastic president. The media and the Democrats can lie about him all they want, but the American people, they’re not buying it.”

Tuberville said he spent the day with Trump, joining him for breakfast and lunch and speaking to him during breaks in the trial. He also bashed the gag order implemented by Judge Juan Merchan against Trump, limiting what public statements the former president could make on the case.

“This is not a fair trial,” Tuberville said. “It’s a circus. It’s one-sided. Gag order on one side and no gag order on the other makes no sense. This is against the Constitution.”

“He’s in great spirits," he continued. "You have to remember now that this is a trial that’s been going on for about nine years since 2016. He’s fought every scenario that the Democrats have thrown at him; this is just another one. They’re just trying to keep him from campaigning, and it’s backfiring on them. His poll numbers are going up and continue to go up."

“This judge is obviously a political hack. His daughter’s making millions of dollars off of this and off Democrats through working through fundraising. It’s just unfortunate we make this political, but it will be over within, hopefully, in a week or so, and President Trump can get back on the trail 100% of the time.”

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email craig.monger@1819news.com.

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