U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) said on Tuesday that illegal aliens would "have to go home" if former President Donald Trump is elected again in November.

Trump has pledged on the campaign trail to begin the "largest domestic deportation operation in American history" of illegal aliens beginning on day one of his term if re-elected.

Tuberville said during an interview with Fox Business Network's "Kudlow" on Tuesday that Trump has talked to him about the plan over the past year.

"[Trump has] told me for a year, Larry, that he's going to do this. He said, 'We have no choice.' It's costing us a fortune to take care of these people coming across. Our veterans are suffering because now (the Biden administration is) using our VAs as health care [for illegal immigrants]," Tuberville told host Larry Kudlow. "The millions and millions of dollars that the taxpayers are having to pay daily for taking care of these people is dead wrong. And again, the American people are suffering. The economy's way up, prices are out the roof. But [Trump] will do that. He will load them up by the help of ICE, Border Patrol, local police, county police, state police."

He continued, "They have to go home. Now we need people here, obviously. We want good people here, but we can't take everybody. The American people can't afford it. We need immigrants, and we've done that forever. We're all immigrants, you know that. President Trump understands it."

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