U.S Senator Tommy Tuberville has joined Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and 32  Republican Senators to introduce a joint resolution under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) intended to overturn the Biden Administration’s 2021 Final Rule on the Title X Family Planning Program.

The Biden ruling on Title X created controversy when it reversed the Trump Administration’s 2019 ban on federal funding to entities that provide abortion referrals to pregnant mothers. The 2019 rule did not reduce Title X funding but redirected it to providers that do not perform or promote abortions as part of their family planning practices.

The Title X Planning Program is a grant program enacted under former President Richard Nixon in 1970. Title X is explicitly meant to supply health services for low-income and uninsured people.

The resolution leaves the remaining Title X provisions intact, only removing the rule submitted by the Department of Health and Human Services relating to ‘‘Ensuring Access to Equitable, Affordable, Client-Centered, Quality Family Planning Services.” 

Several pro-life and conservative organizations have applauded the resolution. Including the Susan B. Anthony List, National Right to Life, Family Research Council, and Heritage Action.

Rubio has come under heavy fire for his stance on abortion.

“The Biden Administration’s rule is an assault on the most sacred and fundamental human right, the right to life,” Rubio said. “I will continue to protect the sanctity of life and do everything I can to make sure taxpayer dollars are not used for or promote abortions.” 

Tuberville believes that Title X goes against the values of most Alabamians. 

“The Biden administration’s anti-family, pro-abortion agenda is drastically out of touch with the pro-life, conservative values of Alabamians,” Tuberville said“President Biden’s Title X rule unfairly targets those who support the sanctity of life and funnels taxpayer dollars to pro-abortion groups. It is unconscionable. I am proud to stand with my colleagues to introduce a resolution to nullify this rule and will continue to be a voice for the most vulnerable among us – the unborn.”

“When it comes to a choice between the life of a child and a ‘right to choose,’ I am always on the side of the child,” Sen Jim Risch (R-ID) said. “We must keep fighting to prevent taxpayer dollars from funding abortions and continue our work to protect the unborn.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who has been a long-time opponent of abortion, also signed on to the resolution. 

“Taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund abortions, full stop,” Cruz said“I remain committed to restore a culture where every human life is respected and protected as a precious gift from God.”