On Wednesday, U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) downplayed speculation of a potential vice president or cabinet position in a possible second Donald Trump administration.

Tuberville has been a longtime supporter of Trump. Since losing the presidency in 2020, Trump has received ample support from Tuberville in his political campaigning and ongoing legal battles in various states.

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The bevy of support has led to speculation that Tuberville was vying for vice president or a position on the potential Trump cabinet should he win the election in November.

On Wednesday, Tuberville emphatically stated that he has not put himself up for consideration for vice president.

"President Trump and I have talked about his vice-presidential candidate," Tuberville said. "I've suggested a few people, and I'm not one of those, but we do have some very, very capable and qualified people that could be the vice president for President Trump and then, possibly, be the president for the next eight years after that. And That's my concern. I think that it's very important that we have somebody that has their eye on the future, not just the four years that they're with President Trump."

Additionally, Tuberville said he was uninterested in a position on Trump's cabinet, stating that he looked forward to supporting Trump from his seat in the Senate.

"I know there will be some people that I deal with, friends of mine, every day in the Senate on the Republican side, that will probably be on President Trump's cabinet," Tuberville said. "He's going to need good leadership around him. I think the last time he would like to take a couple of his decisions back that he made, but you're not going to be 100%."

"I'm looking forward to President Trump, number one, winning, him putting together a very, very good team. I look forward to supporting him from the Senate. That's my future, representing the people of Alabama and supporting Donald Trump and his administration from here on Capitol Hill," he continued.

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