Monday, during an appearance on Fox Business Network's "Kudlow," U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) said that he hoped Vice President Kamala Harris would be exposed for the lies the Biden administration has told over the past four years.

Alabama's senior U.S. Senator listed off the "lies," which he said he hoped would catch up with Harris during Tuesday's scheduled debate.

"[W]hat I don't know, Senator, is why it seems so many untruths from this particular administration," host Larry Kudlow said. "Listen, I've worked for two presidents. I've been around a couple more. I've seen many others. You've seen them too. I know that presidents can exaggerate or embellish. But all of these just flat out 'untruths,' I'll call them, I think have caught up to both Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris. I don't think American voters want to see that. And in the information age, where information is easier to come to, and the truth is easy to get — I don't think American voters like this one darn bit. I think they see it as a sign of weakness, not strength. What you think?"

 "I think you're going to see this tomorrow night in the debate, Larry," Tuberville replied. "That's why people want Kamala Harris to come out and say what she believes in. And, you know, I hope one of the questions is about Afghanistan. Why did you you want to do it the way that you did it?' A lot of things are out there that are very, very untruthful. And American people don't like people to lie to them."

"And they've been lied to from day one about taxes, about military, about Ukraine, about the things going on over there, about what's happening in our country," he added. "'Oh, we can run this country without fossil fuels. We can go all energy all-electric We can't do it. They have absolutely started believing these lies, and I hope this catches up with Kamala Harris tomorrow night. The American people need to know the truth."

Jeff Poor is the editor in chief of 1819 News and host of "The Jeff Poor Show," heard Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon on Mobile's FM Talk 106.5. To connect or comment, email or follow him on Twitter @jeff_poor.

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