U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) recently appeared at the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) conference, where he discussed the political climate in Washington, D.C., specifically surrounding education.

Tuberville was joined on stage by former U.S. Attorney General Matt Whitaker, and both focused on education and school athletics in a segment titled “Sacking the Woke Playbook.”

The senator from Alabama gave a grim prognostication over the educational landscape in the country, claiming that his experience in education motivated him to run for Senate after seeing what was happening in education.

“One of the reasons I ran, because the last 10, 15 years I saw the direction our country was going because of what we’re doing in education,” Tuberville said. “And folks, we are in bad shape, and if we don’t change it, we are not going to change this country back to what all of us in here grew up and had an opportunity to grow up in.”

He continued, “[T]oday, they are being indoctrinated in education. All this woke transgender athletes, [Critical Race Theory], 1619 [Project]. We don’t teach reading, writing and arithmetic anymore. You know, half the kids in this country, when they graduate, can’t read their diploma. Now, if you can’t read, and if you can’t read in the United States, you’re not taught to read, you can imagine what other countries are doing.”

Tuberville, as a successful college football coach, lauded the success of women’s and girls’ sports through Title IX, the civil rights law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in education.

“It’s probably the most successful thing that has ever happened on what they call the Hill, I call it the circus, but over in D.C,” Tuberville continued. “It’s the best thing that they’ve ever done. Because title nine has been so successful. 600% increase in girls playing sports since Title Nine.  

Tuberville claimed that “feminist groups” are attempting to “destroy” Title IX by allowing transgender athletes to compete in high school and college athletics. Tuberville also used the opportunity to voice support for school choice, which is slated to be a hotly-debated issue within the Alabama Legislature this year.

“It’s just another step of what the left is doing,” Tuberville explained. “It’s their game plan; there’s no doubt about it. They’re going after family; they’re going after faith. The teachers’ unions have ruined our schools; they don’t care anything about teaching our kids; they want to indoctrinate them into whatever philosophy that they believe in, and that’s got to stop. And that’s the reason we’re all for school choice. Let parents send their kids where they can get an education. These kids don’t need to be indoctrinated; teach them about America."

To connect with the author of this story, or to comment, email craig.monger@1819news.com.

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