
  • Sound of Freedom Act is passed by Alabama House with a 102 to 0 vote
  • A bill to stop swatting calls on innocent persons has also passed the AL House
  • A bill offered in state senate seeks to ban taxpayer money going to DEI programs
  • Election fraud claims emerge from Conecuh county from 2022 sheriff's race
  • Deadline of 2/27 for applying to get absentee ballot for March 5th primary
  • Plea deal with AG Marshall will release former Montgomery officer from prison


  • 2 cases of state government taking children if parents don't affirm gender choice
  • House Judiciary Chair says arrest of FBI informant not derailing case on Biden
  • Texas authorities seize control of island along border used by cartels
  • TX AG Paxton suing Catholic charities for further aiding illegal crossings
  • Cardone Capital says no more real estate deals in NYC after ruling against Trump

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