Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, February 22, 2025


Iveybillsigning Alabama News
Ivey signs poll worker compensation bill increase into law

Gov. Kay Ivey has signed into law legislation that provides a pay increase for poll workers in Alabama.

Angela McClure endorses Frances Taylor Alabama News
Angela McClure endorses Frances Taylor in HD20 runoff

"I put my 100% support behind Frances Taylor for State House 20.  North Alabama has been a boys club long enough," said Angela McClure. "We need more conservative women being represented in the Alabama State legislature. Frances is honest and is of the highest integrity. She will do great things for District 20.  Frances Taylor has my full and complete endorsement."

File 9e8ea23e 4f5c 4e81 9c82 51a4485ec5d1 Alabama News
The Alabama Farmers Federation announces more legisaltive endorsements

The Alabama Farmers Federation, the state’s largest farm group, announced another round of legislative endorsements as Republican qualifying...