Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, February 22, 2025


Alabama political news trans bathroom Alabama News
What is a Woman Act passes House Committee after public hearing — 'Do you want to walk into the women’s bathroom and see me?'

The Alabama House Health Committee on Tuesday advanced the What is a Woman Act after an interesting public hearing, sending it to the House floor for a full vote, which is expected later this week.

Rafferty Alabama News
State Rep. Rafferty to CNN: Alabama public school gender identity, sexual orientation restrictions prohibit classroom discussion of George and Martha Washington

Legislative efforts to expand on sexual orientation and gender identity instruction in K-12 public school classrooms continue to draw the ire of Democrats mourning the death of "inclusive discussions."

Terri Sewell Alabama News
Five candidates who could pose a threat to incumbent U.S. Rep. Sewell for the Democrat nomination in a redrawn congressional district

If Terri Sewell wants to remain in the U.S. House of Representatives, she has her work cut out. But the challenge could come long before the November 2024 general election.

File b9c05eaf d2ba 4375 969d 2075b314cc46 Alabama News
House candidates raise almost $5 million

By Brandon Moseley Alabama Democrats open their 2022 candidate qualifying on Monday, but according to new campaign finance reports...