Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tag: tax relief

Tax Relief2 Alabama News
Justin Bogie: What relief bills are still alive as the 2023 regular session nears its end?

Time is running out. Many bills that sought to reduce the tax burden of Alabamians have officially died. But several tax relief bills remained alive as Wednesday’s committee meetings wrapped up.

AL Senate Ashley Carter Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Is the Alabama Senate letting tax relief efforts slowly die?

Alabama’s government had a more than $3 billion combined budget surplus entering 2023. Yet lawmakers still seem reluctant to give “too much” of that surplus back to its rightful owners.

Tax Relief2 Alabama News
Justin Bogie: State budgets are moving, why isn’t more relief coming?

Alabama continues to be in a unique position to provide substantial permanent tax relief to hard-working citizens. To make that a reality, lawmakers must take larger steps to slow the growth of government spending.

Grocery Store 3 Alabama News
Justin Bogie: It’s easy to see why Alabamians strongly favor repealing the grocery tax

It is clear to see why Alabama voters strongly prefer repealing the state’s sales tax on groceries over receiving a one-time rebate check. Will lawmakers listen to their constituents?

Taxes, cut taxes Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Are Alabama’s state revenue streams too 'wild' to enact permanent tax cuts?

There is enough money available to provide Alabamians with historic tax relief, without jeopardizing future state budgets. The question is, are lawmakers willing to do so?

tax cut Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Alabamians deserve permanent tax relief, not just a one-time check

In fiscal year 2022, Alabama’s state government collected over $13 billion in total revenue. It marked the fourth straight year that the state has had a revenue surplus of at least $600 million.

Alabama flag money Alabama News
Phil Williams: Show me the money!

Is it possible that the elected leadership in Montgomery believes that we don’t have enough revenue? Not at all. The numbers don’t lie, and Alabama has more cash on hand than we’ve ever had.

Tax, tax relief Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Permanent tax relief is 'very important' to Alabamians

The argument that an economic recession is coming, and the state must be fiscally responsible to weather that storm, does not line up with the actions of the legislature over the last four years. 

Stutts106 Alabama News
State Sen. Stutts pledges to seek tax elimination — 'Lowering taxes to me is more important than incentives'

How Alabama should handle its budget surplus continues to fuel speculation about the possibility of the Alabama Legislature instituting tax relief in the upcoming quadrennium.

AL Governor Ivey Kay Alabama 2 Alabama News
Ivey floats tax rebate, rules out 'permanent structural change'

Monday, in a statement marking the end of the fiscal year, Gov. Kay Ivey teased a possible tax relief plan.

AP167445531997 Alabama News
State Sen. Orr says doing both tax cuts and tax rebates a possibility

State Sen. Arthur Orr (R-Decatur), the Senate Education Budget Committee chairman, had previously floated the idea of one-time tax rebates.

Tax, tax relief Alabama News
Alabama Policy Institute: State government should enact at least $750 million in permanent tax relief for Alabamians

Thirty-two states have enacted some form of tax relief for citizens in 2022. Missouri is poised to become the 33rd.