Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tag: Twitter Files

phone account suspended usa flag Alabama News
Matt Clark: Federal judge destroys Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’

There is perhaps nothing more illegal in America than mind control, which is what the government sought to impose through coercing social media into pushing its propaganda and converting it into its own Ministry of Truth.

A small sample of Hamilton 68-sourced stories Alabama News
Latest 'Twitter Files' release implicates major media outlets in pushing false claims of Russian bot influence — includes the 2017 Alabama U.S. Senate race

“Before, we could only speculate. Now we know: the ‘Russian threat’ was, in this case at least, just a bunch of ordinary Americans dressed up to look like a Red Menace."

Twitter Alabama News
Matt Clark: The Twitter Files and COVID

Elon Musk revealed that Twitter actively worked with the government to suppress information about COVID-19 that the government did not like.

Twitter headquarters Alabama News
Matt Clark: Free speech and the Twitter Files

Over the last two weeks, journalists have been releasing various segments of “The Twitter Files” with Elon Musk’s approval. The content is shocking but not surprising. It confirms what conservatives have known for years: Big tech actively censors us because of its leftist leanings.