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Rise to the Moment of Truth Friday, July 26, 2024

Posts by Allen Keller

Alabama political news JFK Alabama News
Allen Keller: Mr. President, release the JFK Files

The current president has a chance of preserving things by doing something that should have been done long ago: proving the Justice Department has nothing to hide.

Biden Alabama News
Allen Keller: Swimming naked in a receding tide

My hope is that the Supreme Court’s ruling can turn our standard of justice back to what it always was – to the idea that, until a person is proven by a court to be guilty, then he or she is innocent, instead of the other way round.

Alabama political news george washington Alabama News
Allen Keller: A Father's Day message from the father of our country

The 10 Commandments tell us to honor our fathers and mothers. If it’s beneficial to honor our parents, then it surely must also be so to grant such respect to the father of our nation?

Alabama political news george soros Alabama News
Allen Keller: George Soros and January 6 – why some think the system is rigged

Soros is a nuisance, and it’s an abomination to free thought that he has managed to portray himself otherwise.

Alabama political news soros Alabama News
Allen Keller: Why is George Soros still allowed in this country?

Soros, ethnically of Jewish origin, worked as a courier for the Nazis when Hungary was under German occupation during World War II. His job was to locate fellow Jews for deportation—an act that almost certainly meant execution.

Alabama political news power fist Alabama News
Allen Keller: When all that’s left is relativism, power rules the day

When all that’s left is relativism, power rules the day. At least for now, it seems that this is the world we live in. May it not last forever.    

Alabama political news bill maher Alabama News
Allen Keller: Bill Maher and the decline of the American conscience

The characters in "Blood Meridian" began movement in a certain wrong direction on a moral paradigm, a direction toward which they continued with tragic consequences. It’s a lesson to which we’d do well to adhere in our own time.

Alabama political news biden church Alabama News
Allen Keller: Trading Gospel for government

We are left to believe that modern progressivism is replacing Christianity with a much less substantial system, fraught with scientific failures and political power plays.

genders Alabama News
Allen Keller: Gender, personhood and the dangers of diversity politics

Molly Bowman’s statement that “Gender is a Universe” is proof that, somewhere along the way, the old idea of a unity of personality has given way to the notion that somehow we should be as many different people as possible.

Alabama political news spock logic Alabama News
Allen Keller: The war on logic

It seems logical consistency is in short supply these days.

Alabama political news Taylor Swift Alabama News
Allen Keller: Taylor Swift and the age of paranoia

Much has been made of the relationship between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Theories vary, but the basic storyline is that Swift is some form of government asset whose purpose is to persuade football fans to vote for Biden.

Alabama political news dukes hazzard Alabama News
Allen Keller: That's not how I remember it

“The Dukes of Hazzard” just wasn’t how I remembered it. Sure, there were the chase scenes, as well as the beauty of Daisy Duke. But to say the dramatic material was lacking is like calling the criminal Boss Hogg’s morals merely questionable.

Bama Football Alabama News
Allen Keller: Let the big dog eat

Once again, Bama fans find themselves in the unknown circumstances present in Athens back in 1985.

Food Disinterest Alabama News
Allen Keller: Finding meaning in our hearts

We seem a people steeped in traditions that we no longer really understand. We go through mere motions (just as I was when eating without tasting) without sensing our activity’s true essence.

Migrants Alabama News
Allen Keller: Cultural insanity and the U.S. southern border

How far are we willing to go to prove that up isn’t down, that water is wet or air is dry, that abiding the law is better than breaking it?   

Lennon Alabama News
Allen Keller: John Lennon and the lure of the East

Thanks in part to John Lennon, New Age ideas have made advances in our culture. But we should beware of the entire story, especially if we’re to resist the lure of the East.

Poets Corner Alabama News
Allen Keller: Greetings from England, land of the Eternal Word

Whereas, France may be a kind of living museum when it comes to art and other elements of culture, nothing can compare to the Brits when it comes to the written word.

Donald Trump Alabama News
Allen Keller: Was it worth it?

It was roughly seven years ago that events began which arguably got us where we are today: a kind of geo-political crossroads some have even labeled with those terrible three words, “World War III.”

Empty Church Alabama News
Allen Keller: Of nature and vacuums

The very thing that instructed us on how to withstand not only temptation but also assault has been stripped away, leaving a postmodern emptiness.

Latin Mass Alabama News
Allen Keller: In defense of the Latin Mass

“What’s all the fuss about?” I wondered upon hearing these things. What’s so worrisome to our government about worshiping in a certain language?

Alabama quarterback Jalen Milroe (4) throws against Texas Alabama News
Allen Keller: Of quarterbacks and nations

Even though a quarterback is only 1/11th of an offense, the necessity of the position and what he brings to the overall system is so much more than this.

Clean Water Alabama News
Allen Keller: Clean water from a dirty well

Many voters want better leaders, but instead of voting for this, they’re happy to be bought off by those they think will give them something.

Empty Church Alabama News
Allen Keller: America seems to be abandoning nationhood and Christianity

If we are at war against Russia because of nationhood and Christianity, as Macgregor said, then we should stop supporting the war in Ukraine. We cannot expect God to bless our country if we do otherwise.

Reign of terror Alabama News
Allen Keller: Is America heading toward a 'Reign of Terror'?

Many progressives regret that our American Revolution, tempered as it was by theistic belief and fear of concentrated power, did not go as far as the Revolution in France, which was much more secular and humanistic.

Allen Keller: Carlee Russell story a symbol of the poor leadership of our time

The Carlee Russell story seems in keeping with an overall devaluing of truth in our culture.

balance justice Alabama News
Allen Keller: A lesson in ‘Legal Fluidity’

Definitions today seem to be continually changing. Resist the lies and tell the truth; for it is the one thing that can set us free.

I Stock 1359929580 Alabama News
Confusion reigns as North Alabama UMC conference comes to close

The 2023 Conference of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church ended on Saturday. It was a much-observed event as it was unclear what direction the embattled group would take, having lost over half its membership recently due to disaffiliation by member churches over cultural issues like the church's position on homosexuality.

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