As you likely know, President Biden declared this past Easter “Transgender Day of Visibility.” Setting aside the fact that such an aggressive move seems like a taunt against Christianity – if not the Christian Deity himself – the juxtaposition of the two belief systems inevitably forces the question: how do they compare?

I’ve said before that the new moral system offered by modern progressivism is a much poorer, less developed, and comprehensive mode than the one it’s trying to replace. I believe this can be argued objectively.

To begin, we must ask ourselves, what is being replaced with what?

Let’s start with the Resurrection, chosen recently by the Biden administration itself. “The evidence for the resurrection is better than for claimed miracles in any other religion,” noted atheist-turned-theist Antony Flew said in a 2004 article. Other philosophers, as well as historians, have made similar claims. As a religious event, the resurrection of Christ stands unique when compared to the religious leaders of other systems, for none of them claimed to be both God and man or to rise from the dead for the sins of their people.

Nor is the Resurrection bested by the tenets of modern progressivism. In a weird way, one might argue that the transformation of the human body occurring during gender reassignment is a kind of rebirth, but the attempt at transcendence quickly breaks down when considering all the regret and the changed minds amounting from botched attempts. This especially includes the Reimer brothers – the poster children for gender reassignment – who grew up to regret their choice, one of them even committing suicide.

A clear outline, a founding document, if you will, showing exactly what the movement believes, is also missing in modern progressivism. Instead, we’re given surprise proclamations during Holy Week that, rather than attempt an earnest explanation of why transgenderism is virtuous, merely give a wink and nod to the president’s political supporters. This isn’t true of the old Orthodoxy, for, like it or not, what Christians believe is there for all to see, not only in the ancient creeds but in the Scriptures themselves.

Finally, what progressivism puts in place of the Deity himself pales in comparison to the Triune God of the Christian Scriptures. Rather than an eternal, all-knowing, all-powerful, just, and loving God, we are given President Biden, in all his bumbling and stuttering confusion and his tumbles down stairways, in addition to all the other frailties common to fallen man. This isn’t meant as an undue criticism of the president, but rather an objective comparison between the man and the Deity, which the former forced on himself by making Easter into Transgender Visibility Day.  

Given the above facts, we are left to believe that modern progressivism is replacing Christianity with a much less substantial system, fraught with scientific failures and political power plays. For this reason, it seems clear that, objectively speaking, modern-day progressivism is an inferior philosophical system when contrasted with Christianity. By replacing divine power and transcendence with the shortcomings of fallen man, it is offering a smaller, less comprehensive, less transforming belief system. One might even say it offers a scalpel instead of a Savior, a bureaucracy instead of a guidebook, and a government instead of a Gospel.  

Along with his father, Allen Keller runs a lumber business in Stevenson, Alabama. He has a Ph.D. in Creative Writing from Florida State University and an MBA from University of Virginia. He can be reached for comment at

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