Rise to the Moment of Truth Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Posts by 1819 News

File 02e05ddb b125 4080 9c2e c6615c8bf19d Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Changing budget trajectory should be top priority for Alabama legislature

As the Alabama Legislature begins the 2022 Regular Legislative Session today in Montgomery, passing the states' two operating budgets...

File e7896261 072e 4831 9445 0b590e0c749f Alabama News
Alabama redistricting trial continues into second week

Plaintiffs continued offering their expert witnesses in the Alabama redistricting hearings before a three-judge panel at the Hugo Black...

File 0249cf48 f121 4866 a18f 7683e9257b35 Alabama News
Springville reacts to Mayor Thomas’ run for Governor

Springville Mayor Dave Thomas announced his candidacy for Alabama Governor at the conclusion of his city’s regular City Council meeting...

File 95570a8b e30d 4b92 a65a daeb3e2c85dc Alabama News
Phil Williams: Why do you live here?

So here’s a question: Why do you live here? That’s not a rhetorical question by the way. I’m serious - why do you live here? There’s...

File 2915793f 80d7 484a 934c 1f29f463134c Alabama News
Will Sellers: The miracle of the Anglo-Irish treaty

One vision of utopia includes the conversion of weapons of war into farming implements. The Bible anticipates a time when swords will...

File 4eb0258e c639 462b 946c 73d1559d8b71 Alabama News
Sean of the South: It's going to be alright

By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South  Remember when you were little? Remember how whenever you were sick your mother made chicken soup?...

File 16173b56 580c 4bfb 9144 f6fc136b6b83 Alabama News
Wrongful death lawsuit filed in case of Alabama woman found buried behind home

From The Trussville Tribune staff reports Two years after Paighton Houston’s disappearance and death, a wrongful death lawsuit was...

File 233f7083 9058 4653 b0d3 f55f3e88900f Alabama News
Justin Bogie: State government wants to restrict who you can sell your land to

Foreign investors are purchasing larger shares of American and Alabama farmland than ever before. At least one Alabama legislator,...

File f5a1f8ce 4b2f 4f0f 94b6 72d97a2a8418 Alabama News
Testimony continues in redistricting hearing before panel of federal judges

Plaintiffs seeking to block implementation of the legislature’s new map apportioning Alabama’s congressional and state districts, set...

File 8ea40cb2 ffb1 48c4 95ab 580fde8bf46e Alabama News
Trial to begin in impeachment of Lauderdale County Coroner

A state court in Florence will hear initial arguments today, Jan. 6, in the impeachment of the current Coroner of Lauderdale County,...

File f5a1f8ce 4b2f 4f0f 94b6 72d97a2a8418 Alabama News
Testimony begins in lawsuits challenging Alabama redistricting plan

Witness testimony began Tuesday during a consolidated hearing involving challenges to the redistricting plan approved by the Alabama...

File 7f0fa7c8 4475 484e 89bf b1cc08734b1a Alabama News
Flatline Movement uses hip-hop laced with gospel lyrics to reach teenagers

From The Alabama Baptist When Dewayne Rembert was growing up, he didn’t have a father around. But he did have something else — music....

File 0a2c148d 30c6 402c 877d a38046a21f5f Alabama News
Joey Clark: Bring your own yardstick when measuring Senate candidates

In 2015’s "Of Goats & Governors" — a book furnished by a Wise Old Tree known to many Alabamians as Mr. Flowers — an oldfangled joke...

File a21defe9 ca12 4d93 8929 07e5bce8b403 Alabama News
Phil Williams: It really matters

I don’t know about ya’ll but we had an amazing time with family during the Christmas season! Charlene and I had kids and grandkids...

File bf381da7 fbd8 47de 8f92 23e845cf113e Alabama News
Sean of the South: All the purty horses

By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South  The day before New Year’s Eve. I was stuck in Birmingham rush hour. A ten-mile line of standstill...

File 2dc50e7a 0804 4962 990b 48cfeb2a41ff Alabama News
Matt Clark: A red flag for free speech

In the Old Testament, the Nation of Israel was conquered by Assyria because of hundreds of years of unrepentant idolatry. Its neighbor...

File 414dc90c a32e 4ca9 bbc6 bbeca9741d37 Alabama News
Justin Bogie: State government new years’ resolution should be 'take less from Alabamians in 2022'

As 2021 comes to a close, many Alabamians are reflecting on the year that was, making resolutions, and thinking about what 2022 may...

File 1a12e9f7 afed 4939 8b9c f5698635038c Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Parenting - you're not alone; you will make it

How cute, right? Um, not so fast. I'm not in the picture. Instead, I'm seated to the left of Emmy, who is holding the baby, eating...

File d31bff41 ad02 4d05 9c1c 5d1e778c1b82 Alabama News
Judson College: A tribute to 183 years of educating women and Christian service

By Elizabeth Well, Historian and Judson College alumnaFrom The Alabama Baptist Judson College, named in honor of Baptist missionary...

File a35d69c3 99a8 47af 979f 2fd1038c0e30 Alabama News
Biden’s comments add confusion to vaccine mandate laws as Alabamians fight for exemptions

President Joe Biden surprised many across the political spectrum when, on the National Governors Association call Monday to discuss...

File 87f18df5 f87b 4a98 9fa0 cd348ffe87f0 Alabama News
Joey Clark: Mad as hell and don't want to take it anymore

In this age of narrative wars, the 1976 Sidney Lumet classic film Network is still worth the price of streaming. From memorable scenes...

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