Rise to the Moment of Truth Wednesday, February 12, 2025

1819 News Opinion
Read the latest opinion piece from our opinion columnists at 1819 News.

File f8424ea0 83d4 4786 bbb2 6f4edaab8076 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: Blue Bloods and March Madness

"Do you know what happened?" It was Chris. I could not read his voice. I was at a volleyball tournament with Molly. I'd watched the...

File 7b9f792b eef5 46c1 bc20 a609e41d9f6c Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Do the priorities of the Legislature match those of the people?

When the Alabama Legislature returns from its spring break next week, there will be just seven legislative days remaining in the 2022...

File 919e0f89 e20b 42dd a10b 41662d8557a8 Alabama News
Auburn's Flynt, Johnson endorse Packard

Letter to the Editor: Every election for every public office is important in a democracy. In the upcoming election, the election for...

File 9dbbce19 271a 454e 9468 a4a2309dc973 Alabama News
Joey Clark: War is no friend of American liberty

We can forgive a man who loses his temper, but to lose one’s temperance lock, stock and barrel? That is a damnable offense. Without...

File f819caa2 0528 4950 b1cc 5539cecbd574 Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a term that has been used in the field of psychology for years but has only recently become a term that many people...

File 8046104a 847e 4c87 8a51 abc20ff30ecf Alabama News
Phil Williams: A gas tax holiday - why would they not?

Charlene and I were talking recently about what it’s like to try to interpret God’s will. To be sure, He is a God of clarity, not a...

File a5435224 50d1 456b b37b 2d80af235b1e Alabama News
Richard Simmons: How do you compare?

Have you ever thought about how profoundly our lives are shaped by the presence of the people in our lives? Recently I was speaking...

File 5a9328fd b2fc 4a88 8c6e 6f6d197c185b Alabama News
Joe Godfrey: Ten reasons to oppose a state lottery

On Tuesday of this week, Rep. Chip Brown introduced two “lottery only” bills in the Alabama House of Representatives — House Bill 501...

File 914bf38f 0d37 4a1d 9e87 aa222cc84858 Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Muddling through state money

Finances are not my thing. I don’t like to touch budgets, investing, or the like with a 10-foot pole. But in the spirit of being an...

File 272676ee a8d5 411f 9fa9 b1c3bdc68b9b Alabama News
Justin Bogie: Gov. Ivey and lawmakers could ease pain at the pump, they just don’t want to

Alabama gas prices recently broke a record: the price of gas is now higher than it has ever been in state history. But just like record...

File 4a5f7d5b ea89 40d0 a19b 9c54b76b79ea Alabama News
Scott Stantis: Amateur!

Scott Stantis lives in Birmingham and is currently the editorial cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune. He previously was the staff cartoonist...

File 336423b8 8931 4463 9962 623a41e7d812 Alabama News
KCarl Smith: Serving and working are the paths to prosperity

This is the final series on the successful strategy of Frederick Douglass, our country’s greatest American Dream Story:            1st...

File 2c496361 f997 4098 b911 abdd6597e32f Alabama News
Ray Melick: Fill out your NCAA bracket in blue

Start with Blue. That’s your safest bet when filling out your NCAA Tournament bracket this year – and you know you will. Millions of...

File c84f2638 ce96 45d3 af5c 2e61a609774c Alabama News
Daniel Sutter: Sports and World Events

Birmingham hosts the World Games this July, an Olympics-like competition for non-Olympic sports. The lineup includes softball, bowling,...

File ab7542e3 ada1 47e6 bacd dcf0fb3ef624 Alabama News
Amie Beth Shaver: When it comes to fixing the math problem, who is counting?

Raise your hand. Who struggled with math? I did. But I was never allowed to dumb it down. Were you? Of course not.  Because no one...

File 40b94e0f 0b7f 4476 808c bafbba3e42db Alabama News
API: Why “Bring home the bacon” if it means Alabamians can’t afford to buy it?

Federal spending continues to rise, and Alabama Senator Richard Shelby (R-Tuscaloosa) is behind it again. Late last week, Congress...

File 81ad3b74 7344 473a beb5 ba94cf996b83 Alabama News
Joey Clark: Bless our hearts, but is voting for Ivey really a vote for Ainsworth?

Only in Alabama could we turn blessings into curses. We all know the rule: if you don’t have anything nice to say in the Heart of Dixie,...

File 479475e7 7f95 4bb8 b3ac a85cf9019030 Alabama News
Don Keith: To solve the gas crisis, the government must get out of the way

We went on a quick road trip this week that brought us through our third hometown: Mobile, Alabama. While there, we had to drive out...

File 6b1746a5 5367 4bb1 8e7a 26f941eb7d83 Alabama News
Craig Monger: Transgender questions need answering before sacrificing the next generation

The Alabama legislature is currently debating banning the practice of gender-related hormone therapy and surgery. The bill would prohibit...

File e7ab8b5a 4adf 4670 9097 9ca1ea568b4f Alabama News
Phil Williams: The best of the best!

Location, location, location. That’s the old rule in real estate, right? You can have the best house in the worst neighborhood and...

File 128e1899 7e9d 4cba b9b2 e141fbb759e8 Alabama News
Congressman Mike Rogers: Biden's Socialist Policies Are Hurting Americans

The harm to our economy caused by Joe Biden's socialist wish list is growing worse every day. Self-inflicted crises have dominated...

File 54332fa9 b243 49a9 bdec 687d7520ce59 Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: A funny thing happened at the Governors' forum

1819 News, Eagle Forum, LOCAL Alabama, and Thatcher Coalition hosted a gubernatorial forum in Birmingham last week. It’s political...

File 85159e62 a409 4804 82b5 ec4572850ece Alabama News
Richard Simmons: The two sides of power

Several years ago, I wrote a blog about how nations rule over their people. It was a contrast between the Communist dictatorships of...

File b0fa2c32 84bd 4c3b bcf1 37b203103337 Alabama News
Guest Editorial: Bama's plunging academic reputation

University of Alabama alumni, indeed most Alabamians, delight in the high caliber of Crimson Tide athletics. Coach Nick Saban consistently...

File 2807e8e5 f4fd 4d28 bfa5 3e816df838e0 Alabama News
Perry Hooper: State Republicans need to stay out of smoke-filled back rooms

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” No truer words have ever been spoken. I am worried that the Alabama...

File a75f65a9 736c 4b21 9df9 93e6647b3018 Alabama News
Caylah Coffeen: Are Alabamians prepared for a post-Roe world?

Recently, abortion-related news has been somewhat quiet in Alabama, but not around the rest of the country. At the federal level, it’s...

File 2706972e abbe 480e a270 1a72f23fe2ff Alabama News
API: Dead and Dying, 2 great bills and a Legislature bent on killing them

The last few years in the Alabama legislature, well, they haven’t been great.  As soon as the new members were voted into office in...

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