By Brandon Moseley

Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl issued a statement Friday strongly recommending state legislation to oppose President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates based on discrimination and the clear violation of citizens’ constitutional right to privacy.

“Vaccine mandates are fundamentally flawed,” Wahl said. “No entity has the right to spy on a citizen’s personal health information, and requiring someone to disclose their vaccine status or be fired is the very definition of discrimination. Individuals and families should have the freedom to make their own medical decisions without fear of a government mandate.

“The Biden Administration is out of control and needs to be challenged on these unconstitutional and un-American mandates. I want to see Alabama leading the charge to defend the rights and freedoms of our citizens. We need to protect both the people of Alabama and the businesses of Alabama from this forced government discrimination. The Alabama Republican Party fully supports legislation opposing vaccine mandates in the upcoming special session.

“The people of Alabama need to know that our state government is fighting for them and that there is hope for those facing losing their livelihoods and their ability to provide for their families,” Wahl continued. “I am proud of the State Legislature and Governor Kay Ivey for passing SB267 this spring. I hope they will continue defending the people of Alabama as we move forward.”

If allowed to go into effect, tens of thousands of Alabamians will face the prospect of either losing their jobs under President Biden’s latest forced mandates or submitting to federal authority and getting the COVID-19 vaccine as ordered. Federal government employees are not the only ones impacted by this edict. These mandates would impact anyone employed by a private sector company doing business with the government and any business with more than 100 employees. It would also impact businesses like hospitals and nursing homes, that take Medicare or Medicaid dollars.

Numerous companies have already required employees to get the vaccine, including United Airlines, Cumulus Media, and CNN. Auburn University, the University of Alabama, and UAB have announced a Dec. 8 deadline for workers to follow orders and get vaccinated.

The legislature meets on Oct. 28 for a special session to address redistricting. The governor has not released information on any other possible business for the special session.

A state law forbidding employers from firing unvaccinated workers could be unenforceable based on the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, making any state law that conflicts with federal law effectively null and void under most circumstances.