There is no easy way to say this, but Christian, how long will we continue to cut and run when things don’t go our way? 

I ask because many of us were outraged that the Republican National Committee removed the pro-life plank from the party platform. As a result, I’ve heard in passing or seen online that many people won’t vote. 

I understand the frustration. I’m adopted. I’m pro-life, and like you, I felt sick to my stomach when I heard the news. Was it a joke? Were they testing the waters? 

As we now know, that change was real. 

And so, my thoughts immediately shifted to a podcast that affected my thinking like nothing else in a while. 

The podcast featured Alisa Childers interviewing a man named Seth Gruber. Together, they covered Margaret Sanger’s Sordid History — which included founding Planned Parenthood — and Sanger’s impact on the Nazis. 

But something else grabbed my attention in that interview, namely, the question of what the best method was to get rid of abortion. As abolitionists — all or nothing? Or incrementalists — slowly but surely winning to fight another day? 

Either way, the fight to end abortion and to get to that place where abortion is unthinkable starts by remembering who we are: people who stand on the legacy of fellow believers, like the men and women of Rome. 

Remember how they did audacious things in a hostile culture? They were the ones who rescued babies abandoned by their fathers because they didn't want a girl, or because they had an imperfect child or just because. Which sounds familiar, no? 

Still, the Roman Christians were people who changed their communities, perhaps because they understood that God's mandate to exercise dominion wasn't diminished because of wicked rulers, evil decisions or backward thinking. 

This is what we need to remember right now, especially when it comes to abortion, the Republican Party platform, and this election. 

Christians are not off the hook because we don't like how things turned out in Milwaukee. Or because we don't like the candidate or the candidate’s character. That's missing the point entirely. 

Instead, we must remember that we exist “to require civil government to be faithful to the foundation of its authority,” to quote theologian R. J. Rushdooney. 

That's our reason. No matter how hard that is, no matter what stunts are pulled. 

Our legacy is not to hide until things clear up. It's to stand and fight. It is to overcome a changed platform, a plank that crumbled before our eyes, and a party that, like sheep, has lost its way. 

Which means we've got work to do, starting with not quitting – the election or those we feel have betrayed us. If we do, we unintentionally forfeit the right to be heard, which will affect us whenever we choose to re-engage. 

Furthermore, we also forfeit the celebrations that come when we don’t give up – like the significant pro-life achievements that happened during Trump’s last term. 

Did anyone think that the Supreme Court would gain new appointees, let alone reverse Roe v. Wade? But these things happened, and the issue was sent back to the states, where it should've always been, all under a president who said he'd do it – and did. The same candidate many are saying they can't vote for. 

I hear you. 

But as Steve Deace said on his July 23rd show, don’t let Trump break your brain. Choose to vote despite what happened with your party, its platform and its candidate. 

Not to speak, is to speak. In fact, not speaking puts us firmly in the crosshairs of those en route to razing the country as we know it. Because if we sit this out, we’re silently giving assent to progressive, leftist policies, such as climate scams and population control, open borders and illegal immigrants flooding our country, injustice and support for criminals, combined with disrespect for police.

Are you good with that?

Even if you are, here are the questions that should be asked:

  • Which party’s policies "require civil government to be faithful to the foundation of its authority," or are at least working to that end?

  • Which party is pursuing good … or evil?

Because after all that – the plank, the party and the candidate – it’s really that simple.

Don’t let Trump break your brain. The heart of the conservative movement needs you to stand and fight.

Amie Beth Shaver co-hosts Alabama Unfiltered Radio show daily from 9-12 a.m. on News Talk 93.1 fm WAVC, and 92.5, WXJC. Her column appears every other Saturday at 1819 News. To book Amie Beth for media or speaking engagement's, email

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