It deeply pains me to witness the steady decline of President Joe Biden. His visible struggles with cognitive function are heartbreaking, not just for his family, but for the entire nation. 

I say this as a staunch conservative. I know he has made countless mistakes and bad judgments. At the same time, he is a human being, and disagreement with his policies does not mean I feel it is right for him to be used as a political puppet, allowing the Democratic Party to pull his strings while he steadily declines in his health. 

As someone who spent two years as a caretaker for my father-in-law, I recognize the signs and symptoms of cognitive decline all too well. It’s a tragic reality that demands compassion and care, not political exploitation. 

The Biden family’s decision to allow the president to run for another term, despite his apparent struggles, is troubling and simply selfish! One cannot help but question their motives. Are they driven by a genuine belief that he can still effectively lead the country, or are they desperately clinging to power at the expense of his well-being? The latter seems increasingly true. 

From my experience as a caretaker, I know how vital it is to protect and care for the vulnerable. This role requires constant care, empathy and a strong commitment to your loved one’s dignity and health. The fact that Biden’s family appears to be neglecting this duty is not only saddening but also infuriating, for it also shows a greater disregard for the American people. 

The Biden administration’s complicity in this is just as disturbing. Instead of addressing the President’s obvious struggles, they continue to present him as capable and competent, a move that feels more like a charade than a sincere belief in his abilities. Again, we have another entity apparently more concerned with maintaining power than serving the best interests of the nation. 

If these entities are willing to sacrifice the president’s health for political gain, what does that say about their commitment to the American people? Does it not suggest that they have a strong willingness to put political agendas above genuine leadership, a readiness to prioritize lies or distractions over honesty, and a troubling lack of integrity at the highest levels of government? 

Conservatives value leadership that is transparent, principled and truly committed to the nation’s well-being. Watching Biden’s decline, and the obvious indifference of those closest to him, is a strong reminder of what happens when these values are abandoned. It’s a very sobering lesson in the importance of electing leaders who genuinely have the country’s best interests at heart, not just in rhetoric but in action.

Let us hope that future leaders will learn from this sorrowful episode and strive to prioritize the well-being of both their loved ones and the American people. 

Pray for our Country, we need it!

Ashley Carter is a wife, mother, and grandmother living in Elmore County, where she and her husband run Farm to Table Living and Carter Farms. Ashley serves as Controller and Executive Assistant at 1819 News. She is currently working on an inspirational book of short stories. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email

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