"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14

We are coming up on the second anniversary of the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Stop for a moment and think about where we would be had those Supreme Court justice’s not been appointed, or if they had not decided to send this issue back to the states. In essence, many poor, innocent children would not have a chance at life.

Yet we are still fighting – fighting for those without a voice, as some still fail to recognize how special the unborn truly are, or how those unborn lives could change the world in so many ways.

As we approach this anniversary and week filled with many pro-life events, I pray each of us are reminded of the beautiful sanctity of each human life. God makes no mistakes; each and every child is made in his image.

If you have read my personal story, you know how close this issue is to my heart. I, too, was faced with a pregnancy as a teenager and left alone to make decisions. Yet I am thankful for the upbringing by a family that focused on their faith and rested in knowing that God’s plan is perfect.

This does not mean that I wasn’t nervous, scared and unsure of what my future would look like in that situation. But it did mean that I knew who I could trust and who I could put my faith in to see me through.

Each life has immeasurable value. Imagine if some influential people’s parents had chosen abortion.

One that comes to mind is Tim Tebow. His mom was encouraged by her doctor to abort him, due to life-threatening issues that could have killed her. But she trusted God to protect her and her baby. Because of her choice, the world got to experience one of the most iconic football players, who has also been instrumental in helping the needy in third-world countries.

Another is Andrea Bocelli. Bocelli’s mother was encouraged to abort because it seemed likely he would be born with disabilities, but she decided to carry her baby anyway. Her choice gave the world one of the most beautiful singing voices.

Not every child that comes into this world will be famous or a president; they may not be known at all by this world, but there is no doubt that each and every one of these precious children are known by God. That is the most important thing today and always.

'Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!" Psalm 127:3-5

Ashley Carter is a wife, mother, and grandmother living in Elmore County, where she and her husband run Farm to Table Living and Carter Farms. She is the author of "Unexplainable: Inspirational Stories of God's Love in the Most Unique Ways." Ashley serves as Controller and Executive Assistant at 1819 News. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email ashley.carter@1819news.com.

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