There’s something magical about Saturdays in the fall when you’re in Tuscaloosa. The crisp air, the sea of crimson and white, the lights, the rhythmic chants echoing through Bryant-Denny Stadium – it’s an experience that grips you from the moment you step onto the hallowed grounds.

For me, however, this experience is not just about the game. It’s about the moments spent with my dad, a shared tradition that has become a cornerstone of our bond and one that I treasure deeply.

From the time I was little, my dad has been my hero, the one who taught me about life, hard work, love, and of course, Alabama football. I still remember my first Alabama game with him. I was mesmerized by the energy, the sea of fans united by their love for the Crimson Tide. But what stands out most in my memory isn’t the roar of the crowd or the thrill of the game – it’s the look on my dad’s face when he saw the Tide take the field, his eyes lighting up with the same excitement I felt.

There’s something incredibly special about sharing these moments with him. It’s more than just a game; it’s a connection, a shared passion that brings us closer. The sounds of the band, the crackle of the announcer’s voice, the electric anticipation of the kickoff – they all blend to create a symphony of emotions that we both feel deeply.

And then there’s the tradition, the long-held “Roll Tide!” that we shout in unison with thousands as the ball is kicked. In that moment, I feel a part of something bigger, a community, a legacy. But more than anything, I feel connected to my dad, standing beside me, his voice joining mine in that timeless cheer. Every game is a memory, a chapter in our story. From the nail-biting finishes to the triumphant victories, each one holds a special place in my heart because I experienced it with him.

As the years have passed, this tradition only grows more meaningful. We’ve watched players come and go and seen the team rise and fall, but the one constant has been us, side by side, sharing the highs and lows together.

I know that these moments are fleeting, that time has a way of moving forward whether we want it to or not. But I pray that we have many more games to watch together, many more Saturdays spent cheering for our team. I pray to hear him yell “Touchdown Alabama” all day on Saturday!

The joy of those days isn’t just in the football – it’s in the time spent with my dad, the man who has been my biggest fan, my mentor, my friend. So, here’s to the Crimson Tide, to the thrill of the game, and to the bond that grows stronger with every shared moment. Roll Tide forever, Dad. I’ll cherish these memories always, and I hope we have many more to make together.

If you’re looking for us on Saturday, we’ll be in God’s country. Roll Tide Roll!

Ashley Carter is a wife, mother, and grandmother living in Elmore County, where she and her husband run Farm to Table Living and Carter Farms. Ashley serves as Controller and Executive Assistant at 1819 News. She is currently working on an inspirational book of short stories. To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email

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