Parenthood is a profound and transformative experience, filled with joy, growth, and a relentless desire to shield our children from the world's hardships. And as parents, we often find ourselves pondering what we could have done differently to ensure our children's safety and wellbeing.

We’re told that subjecting our children to the real world at a young age is better than sheltering and protecting them. I disagree. Even if we teach our children right from wrong, it is hard for them to know who to watch for a role model, especially when they spend eight hours with a stranger at school, and a smaller amount of waking hours at home learning from their parents.

Hindsight is a powerful tool, revealing missed opportunities, potential dangers, and paths not taken. Imagining going back and rewriting our parental journeys offers a chance at reflection and an opportunity to pass along lessons learned to our own children as they embark on parenting.

In an ideal world, childhood would be a time of blissful innocence and carefree exploration. But a disturbing trend is emerging as the world increasingly subjects children to adult themes and premature responsibilities, to negative influences of technology and societal pressures. Thus, the loss of childhood innocence has become a disheartening reality.

Media platforms, including television, movies, and the internet, offer unrestricted access to violent, sexual, and emotionally intense content. Social media exacerbates this problem by exposing children to adult conversations, cyberbullying, and unrealistic beauty standards. Excessive screen time, online gaming addiction, and exposure to cyber threats also contribute to the erosion of innocence. Such premature exposure can be traumatic, distorting a child's perception of the world. The loss of real-life social interactions and outdoor play further hinders healthy emotional and cognitive development.

The pressures of modern society have also burdened children with responsibilities beyond their tender years. Academic competitiveness, extracurricular activities, and the race to excel in multiple domains place excessive stress on young minds. Additionally, economic hardships force many children to shoulder adult responsibilities, such as caring for siblings, contributing to household income, or even taking on caregiving duties for ailing family members. These obligations deprive children of a carefree childhood.

Society's obsession with achievement and conformity places further pressure on children to grow up quickly. Unrealistic academic expectations, body image ideals, and the constant need to fit into predetermined molds are just some of the things instilling the fear of failure which often overshadows the joy and wonder of childhood.

Parents play a vital role in protecting their children's innocence. We should actively engage in our children's lives when it comes to media consumption, setting appropriate boundaries and teaching critical thinking skills to navigate the digital landscape responsibly. Open and honest communication about sensitive topics will help our children process information in a safe and controlled manner.

Educational systems should prioritize the holistic development of children, emphasizing emotional well-being, creativity, and play. Reducing academic pressures and fostering an environment that celebrates individuality and curiosity can help restore the balance between education and the preservation of childhood innocence.

While we cannot change the past, we can seize the present and future, armed with the knowledge and experiences gained from our reflections. By consciously implementing these extra precautions and embracing the ongoing journey of parenthood, we empower our children to face the world with strength, confidence, and resilience.

In the world we live in now, a little more sheltering isn’t a bad thing for any child. I’m confident many would agree, acknowledging that we as parents know what's best for our children and know that we are the best ones to teach them.

This world offers many opportunities for distractions, and the fewer distractions, the better. Implementing stronger family values will only strengthen a child, preparing him for his future and giving him a secure source to lean on for guidance.

Ashley Carter is a wife, mother, and grandmother living in Elmore County where she and her husband run Farm to Table Living and Carter Farms. Ashley serves as Controller and Executive Assistant at 1819 News. She is currently working on an inspirational book of short stories. To connect with the author of this story, or to comment, email

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